Chapter 14

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〰️Leonardo Pov〰️

There's a knock on my office door after three hours of dismissing myself from these people who have been walking around my house and scratching everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, as if they looking for some kind of clue to a hidden passage of my illegal activities.

"Come in!" I yell looking at my laptop watching Karalina from outside the door entering slowly.

"Hey." I look up at her under my brows as she tries to get my attention. "Dinners ready. Chad's gon-"

"I know." I state curtly

"Of course you do." She says meekly and closes the door behind her walking further into the room. "I told them about the girls.

"No surprise there." I say in a bored tone. "I'm surprised they never torched the place yet."

"No. But they were shocked." She says with wide eyes for good measure.

"I bet."

"Please be nice." She says, but it was more of a request.

"I am nice."

She gives me a look. "At least try."

"I did. And look where it got me. Thrown away." I wave my hand for emphasis.

"I never threw you away."

"But you plan to."

"N-no.." She stammers looking to the ground unsure of the look in her eyes, until she looks up to me and heaves a heavy sigh.

"Let me ask you a question." I say standing to my feet and walking around the desk to face her. "Do you really want a divorce, or is this a lesson you trying to teach me?"

She tries to hide a smile, which makes me want to smile. There's hope after all.

"I love you." I say softly.

"I know. It still doesn't change how I felt, and...."

"And what?" I ask closing the space between us.

She moves her hands slowly to her face and covers it as she let's out a frustrated groan. "I was embarrassed. People think my husband is a cheater. I defended you. I always do and in the end I look like the fool.." I flinch when she slaps my arm. "All. The. Time." She says slapping my arm with each word.

"Oooww." I feign hurt rubbing my arm. "Jesus woman. Have you been working out?" I joke.

She laughs loud throwing her head back, unable to contain it when I start tickling her and she backsteps against my desk until she practically hops onto my desk lying their as I tickle her even lower on that spot of hers.

My hands stop at its fooling around when I see the green glint in her eyes. "You beautiful, you know that? And I always want to see you in this light. I always want to make you happy. I love you." I remind her.

"I know. I just.." She loses her words again.

"Just be honest with me." I say softly. Though my heart hammers in my chest afraid to hear her truth.

She sits up straight on my desk. "I love you. I just wish you were honest with me. How many times will I have to feel like this before I.."

Before she can finish, I interrupt. "I didn't mean for this to happen."

"People think you were having an affair behind my back, Leonardo!" She suddenly raises her voice. "I feel like shit!"

"What? This is about what people think?" I ask feeling anger build up. "Why do you care about people? They are not in our relationship. We are. How many times do I have to tell you this?.. So you just giving up because of people?" I ask a little disappointed.

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