Chapter 12

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〰️Leonardo Pov 〰️

"Hey baby." Karalina beams taking me by surprise as she stands and walks up to me lifting onto her toes.

I take full advantage of this game she wants to play infront of her family and pull her closer by her waist flush against my front, lowering my head to let my lips linger on hers longer then intended.

"Mi amor." I say softly into her mouth and I know I did something right when I feel her nails clawing lightly onto my chest over the white shirt and her eyes look up to me with a shaky breath escaping her lips which I softly kiss one more time before lifting my head slightly to get a better look in her eyes.

"I see we have guests. Welcome." I say shifting my eyes over to the people in the room. But no one really replies as they feel the need to roll their eyes at our form together, some looking to the ground, her mother gives me a firm look and I frown at the grey haired guy I saw at... "Chad?" my frown deepens at the sight of him in my focking house. Did my warning go unnoticed to him?

"Hi." Chad mumbles back to me and the look in his eyes ticks me off a bit when it shifts slightly over to my wife.

"I just came from Jersey. They said you never pitched for work... So, they had to fill the spot. Nothing personal." I shrug holding my hand on the small of Karalinas back.

Liam let's out a heavy sigh. "Now you jobless, again?" Liam scoffs and pulls his face in disgust at Chad who sheepishly bows his head letting out a sigh himself. "Actually, I don't blame you." He says again with that same look of disgust eying me from my feet to the top of my hair.

I want to take those very lips he pulls up in disgust at me between pliers and twist them until it rips off his face.

Thankfully, the grey haired guy walks closer to us and extends his hand. "Hi, I'm Dean-"

"Dean?" I interrupt him with my brows raised. "I had no idea." I say shaking his hand. He looks different to the pictures. "We've met before." I say looking down to Karalina, she raises a brow as I clear my throat. "I might have said things.."

"Shhh" She closes her eyes briefly while hushing me as softly as she can manage, clearly annoyed by my past actions she definitely heard about. I can tell.

Dean gives me an awkward smile as he takes his seat again. Bastard ratted me out.

I pull my phone out and notice Lenny's texts. "So, what do we owe the pleasure?" I ask as we take a seat on the couches Karalina occupied a second ago.

"We here to fetch my sister." Liam says standing on his feet with hands in his pants pockets. I've done my research on this asshole. His got quite the reputation for being one, an asshole that is, but most importantly he knows people in high places. He could ruin me if he tries really hard, but I won't let that happen. Although he does make a fabiani suit look good.

"Oh?" I shrug. "To take her where?" I ask amused. His out of his focking mind if he thinks I'm just going to hand her over to him. By the look on her face when I look down to my vibrating phone, it seems she wants me to fight this for her.

"Home. Where she belongs." Liam says in a cocky tone.

I couldn't help the laugh escaping my mouth. "Where she belongs." I repeat.

"We don't mean any disrespect. We heard the story between you two." The other brother says.

"Which I think is a bunch of bullshit. Amnesia? Really? How focking convenient." Liam says and they all try to calm his temper down.

"You know Liam. It is Liam right?" I untie a button from my suit jacket. "I can tell you must be pissed. I would be too. I'd probably handle it alot differently to the way you are now. But I'll be pissed, regardless. However, your sister. She belongs with me. She belongs here. In this home, that she chose for us. Nobody forced her to do anything she didn't want to do."

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