Chapter 25

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〰️Leonardo Pov 〰️

Can't get hold of Karalina again, does she never carry her phone on her anymore?

This is the third time I'm trying to call her without running to the guards or letting my mind take me to unwanted thoughts.

After her stab wound had healed since Stings' guys paid my wife a visit two weeks ago, I decided to let her stay in South Africa while I deal with the problem.

With the help of the Moretti family, I was able to put this war behind us. But didn't it come with a price?

My phone vibrates in my hand, in hopes it's her returning the call. But to my disappointment and horror it's Lance calling.

"Shit." I answer immediately with fear running through my gut. "If you tell me you lost her again, Im literally going to come out there and stab you in your focking neck!"

Silence. Not a focking word, but I know his awe struck at my outburst. "S-sorry boss man. She's actually right here. Feeling some kind of way."

"What?" This guy.

"Just hold." Hold?

The phone makes sounds of rustling. Lance hard footsteps. Until..

"Baby." I could hear the tension in my Karalina's voice.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"I swear if one more person asks me if I remember them I'm going to lose it."

I frown at the sound of her voice. "Are you okay? You sound funny."

"I have the flu." She says in a whiney tone.

"You kidding. You never have the flu."

"I know. Right. Just my luck. I've been in this house the entire time and hardly get to play with Zac. I don't want to infect him, you know what I mean?" Her voice coming through nasal and fluish.

"Yeah. So... Have you spoken to Chad yet?"

"Leonardo." She warns.

"I'm just asking. I mean it would be ugly if we go to court over visitation rights. He should come to our home. See his siblings. Go on holidays."

"I like the sound of the last part."

This causes me to smile. "I knew you'd like that."

"I have to go. I see more new faces smiling and walking my way."

"Ciao. Love you."

"Ti voglio bene." She says and I end the call. (Love you. It's more like wishing someone well with an unconditional, selfless kind of love who means the most to you.)

I waited less then 5 minutes before Emily Rose approached the table at the restaurant. She had red hair, blue eyes and quite the rack. I see now why Lenny was taken by her.

"Mr Demarco?" She addressed me.

"Please." I gestured to the seat across the small table. "Call me Leonardo."

"It's nice to finally meet with you. I was starting to think you were avoiding me purposefully." Her red painted lips lifted at the sides as she sat gracefully placing her hand under her chin while she shamelessly took in my profile.

"I'm still trying to ponder on your reason for a meeting." Straight to the point. "Does your father know you arranging these meetings?"

"Yes." She says without missing a beat. "His the reason I'm here." Half rolling her eyes.

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