Chapter 13

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〰️Leonardo Pov 〰️

After my little rant no one had anything to say. I take it I left them speechless, probably never expected me to be this open or I took them by surprise. They could see how serious I was about this woman. What did they think? I took her for my whore?

"So please, whatever you're planning. Don't. It would be in your best interest to mind your own focking business." I say a bit louder then intended.

"Okay, I think they get it." Karalina whispers and tugs on the sleeve of my suit gaining my attention. Her eyes are pleading for me to calm down before I do any damage.

"I'm sorry?" Liam says with a smug look taking a step forward and everyone tries to warn him off again, but does this piece of shit listen? Of course not. "Did you just threaten us?"

"No." Karalina defends me.

"Yes, yes I did." I step forward. "Do you have a problem with that?" I narrow my eyes on him.

Liam clenches his jaw eying me up and down again with that focking look before smirking a bit and shaking his head slightly side to side turning his attention to my wife. "I don't know what you see in this guy." Liam snickers to Karalina.

"You might not be happy with it, but get usd to it. We have been through hell and back, and I'll be damned if I lose my wife because you people decided to meddle in our marriage." I look at all of them with their judging stares. "I never kidnapped her or brainwashed her into doing anything. She is here willingly. She said yes to a marriage proposal, she walked down an isle. No one pushed her. Now if you can't accept that then I suggest you get the fock out." I say as a cool as a focking cucumber, you know, the way I do so well.

"Leonardo." Karalina warns me from my side.

Penny scoffs stepping closer to me ignoring her husband's request to remain seated. "She might not be bothered right now by your busted knuckles you clearly beat someone to a pulp with as of recently by the looks of it, or the stench of whisky on your breath. Or even the fact that your phone has been going off more times then I can count on both of my hands since you've been in our presence." Penny raises a brow with a Cheshire cat grin and I hate the look on her knowing she's about to continue. "She probably ignores the fact that you carry a gun, a weapon endangering the innocent life of your son around in this beautiful mansion she thinks is a home. But she will grow tired of this." Penny's words made me want to kill her, but she was right. My Karalina was growing tired of this life with me.

"That's enough!" Karalina takes everyone by surprise. "Now this is our home. So if you'd like to stay for dinner and get to know us in a polite manner we can do that, or you can just leave and I will see you." She looks to Chad taking him by surprise as he smiles expectantly at her. "When I visit my son... And hopefully he could come down to me for the holidays." Karalina says more as a request and Chad's face suddenly falls.

What the fock was he expecting her to say?

"No." Chad and Liam says in a whiny tone. Not the way I would say it with finality. This of course leaves me baffled.

"No?" I ask agitated.

"It's okay." Karalina places her hand on my chest.

"It is not okay." I seethe out.

"We will figure it out." She tries to assure me.

"When? They expect you to leave this family behind and live with them. Leave me, your husband. What about Enzo and the girls?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"Girls?" Liam asks rearing his neck to make sure he heard correctly.

"What girls?" Penny asks panicked looking to Chad who shrugs in turn.

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