I imagined putting magic into your eyes more times than I can count. I imagined sitting on your bed, my wings wide open, seeing you sleep and just admiring your calm, pretty face.
I imagined telling you what I am too. I imagined grabing your hands and whispering into your ears: "I'm an angel."
You wouldn't believe me, of course. But then I would show you my wings and then I could show you my magic, too, which you never believed was real. I would tell you about my dreams and heaven, I would tell you about future, past and your present.
Now it's too late. I never saw it coming; I never thought that you didn't love me back. You were just playing with my feelings, making me feel loved in this world I never belonged in. You even made me fall in love with you. And then you just ... left.
And now I will never be able to show you my magic, to show you my dreams, pain, hopes, I will never be able to show you my love. But I'm still here, next to you while you sleep. You'll never know what happened to me.
Because after all, maybe I really don't belong on Earth. I don't belong anywhere. I'm nothing. Nobody.

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