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"Hey, little miss, are you lost?"

"Princess, where are your parents? Do you want me to take you to them?"

"Are you hungry? Do you want some food?"

"Oh sweetheart, your beauty is wasted on those ragged clothes! Come with me! "

"You look homeless. Do you want to live with me?"

The raven-haired child soullessly strolls in the market, looking for the bare minimum to live for the day.

Yes, she is a destitute orphan. She does not own anything besides her name engraved in a necklace. Despite the fact, she wears a decent white sundress and quality wooden sandals, which she obtained from random strangers who voluntarily clothe her. She never got malnourished as she was always given free food whenever she encounters store owners or visits an establishment. People give her anything she asks for-be it younger or older than her. She did not know if it was normal as she was living like this since her waking life.

But seemingly, the gifts she receives could not fill a void in her heart-something that always bothers her. She wished to receive answers from people but could not find one. After all, she does not even know herself.

Having her fill for the day, she heads back to an isolated park. It has been vacated for construction purposes for years now so no one really visits but to her, it is home.

She stares in amusement as she eyes a boy of her age sitting at the swing. His small figure trembles as he cries silently. One thing that stood out was the boy's hair colors evenly parted on either side. Red and white. She stayed still for a moment, contemplating her supposed actions towards her unwanted visitor.

Finally, she starts heading towards the boy. As soon as she stands in front of him, she coldly says, "Get off. That is my spot."

The boy slowly stares at her as he wipes his tears. He then shakes his head with a soft mumble, his voice trailing at the end of his sentence, "But I was here first."

She raises an eyebrow. Baffled. It was the first time that someone actually declined her. "You are not normal."

The boy's hand subconsciously flew to the left part his face, which she just took notice of. The boy displayed a hurtful expression.

"Oh, I did not mean that. In fact, why is it covered in white cloth?"

The boy stayed silent.

Oblivious as she is, she recalled a moment where something similar was applied to her hand when she accidentally cut herself as she was visiting a flower shop. The old lady who owns the store helped her clean the wound. She also recalled an action which somehow warmed her heart that time. She leaned forward and neared her face towards the boy's, carefully letting her lips touch the white cloth. "Everything's going to be okay," she whispered, remembering the chant that the old lady told her. She then backed away. "There." To her dismay, however, she was just greeted with a stoic expression. She blinked. "You really are not normal."

She then started walking away but was halted when she heard a name. "Kei Yagami."

"What was that?" she faced the now standing boy extending an arm holding her necklace.

"It is engraved here. This is your name right?"

"Oh," she deadpanned. "So that is how it is read." She takes back her necklace and asks, "What is yours?"

The boy picks up a stick and writes something on the ground. "Figure it out."

[A/N: You were warned with MATURED tag on this story. You were expected to read the STORY'S DESCRIPTION before proceeding so it would be a GIVEN to know the synopsis. To REMIND you, this FICTION involves SOME concepts of SUCCUBUS, as published on the sneak peek of this novel, so author STRONGLY recommends searching even a little of this concept before complaining about ARTIFICIAL actions in this FICTION. Do note that A PERSON CANNOT BE IMPRISONED BECAUSE OF WET DREAMS.]

[A/N : Photos uploaded as cover per chapter came from the internet.]

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