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It has been one week since the entrance exam. Tonight, just like most days, Kei was seated with the Midoriya pair. This time however, both females are just gazing at Izuku, who is beaming at the fish in front of him.

"And-he broke down," Kei comments with an amused smirk.

Inko, who runs cold sweat drops from her worries, finally decided to pull her son back to reality. She has been stagnantly holding her chopsticks and rice bowl for quite a while now. "Are you okay, Izuku? Why are you smiling at your fish?"

Izuku returned to his usual jumpiness as he quickly apologized. "Sorry! I'm fine." He then chows down his rice, still being stared at by his mother.

After their dinner, Kei sat beside Izuku, who is blankly staring at the ceiling from the sofa. Kei slowly leans closer to the said male who is still in his void. She then blew air to the green-head's ears, sending chills all over his body. "Kyak!"

"Pretty fast reaction time," Kei grins. "Oh well, I'll get going now." Kei stands up as she addresses to Inko. "Thanks for tonight. Your meals are delish, as always, Inko. Have a good night, both of you."

"Ah, have a good night as well, Kei," Inko replies.

Kei pulls Izuku towards the main door. He just mindlessly follows. As soon as they reached the hallway, she pulls Izuku's cheeks, making him flinch. Soon enough, he realizes that she is a little bit too close-well, just like almost any other time, but he still can't seem to get the hang of it. The boy panics internally, letting his face flush red.

"Now, there's the expression I've been wanting to see." Kei loosens her grip. "Seeing you aloof is like seeing darker shade of black in black."

"Sorry!" Izuku apologized, perhaps this time, out of habit.

"Tell me. Where does it hurt?" Kei's eyes were set on his, almost enchanting his thoughts.

Dazed, Izuku's fingers flew on his still stinging cheek.

"I see," Kei replies, lightly letting her lips touch his cheek. With the chant she carries since childhood, she whispers, "Everything's going to be okay." She then walks away. "Have a good night, Izu ~"


"She called me Izu."

Once again, his fingers touched his face.

"S-S-S-She-She k-k-k-ki-kissed me?!"

IzukuMidoriya.exe stopped working.

The following day, Kei was greeted by an unexpected visitor at her door.

"Bear-mouse, White, at that" she dryly spats.

"Hello Kei Yagami! I am Principal Nezu, from UA."

"And it is talking." She pauses for a moment. "I do not remember inviting you here," she coldly states, as a matter of factly, before closing the door.

She was however, immediately stopped by an arm pushing against the door. A black-haired male around his 30s sighs, "Brat, hear us out first." Kei took note of how tired he looks and how the scarf around his neck somehow appears to be stiff and comfortable at once.

They looked persistent so she let them in. "Tell me what you want, and quickly."

The two UA staff sat on the sofa.

"My companion here is Shota Aizawa, a teacher from the UA," Nezu started. "We have come to analyze your quirk during the entrance exam, and I must say-it is very unique. Out of seven officially registered users in the entire history, I am lucky to have met one in my lifespan."

"What we are trying to say is that UA is very much willing to cultivate your quirk under a special provision."

"Oh ho ~ and you personally went overboard just to tell me ~"

"Yes, for safety purposes."

"We did a background check on you and found nothing matching your name. No parents nor guardians, medical history, school records, proof of residency-nothing. Have you been living alone your entire life?"

"As a matter of fact, I am."

"Then how would you like to have a guardian with you?"

Kei pauses for a moment. "That is the 108th time someone actually asked me to live with them."

"I see. But today is different. You will be attending special class under the supervision of Mr. Aizawa until you master your quirk. By then, we plan on mixing you with the other heroics class until your completion."

"So basically, free food, lodging, allowance, school fees included? How is that any different from the life I am having now?"

"Well, you'll get to see the outside world. We have lots of powerhouses, which I am pretty sure you are interested in."

Despite the seemingly shallow attempt to lure her in, in Kei's ears, this is enough reason to accept the offer. She'll be attending UA either way, already excited to meet Shoto again, and maybe the explosive boy. She especially gets to see Izuku's growth everyday if fate permits so.

"Hmm ~ and how sure are you that my supposed guardian will not fall for Allure?"

"Allure?" Nezu halts for a second, "Oh, you mean your quirk?"

Kei nods.

"Well, firstly, Mr. Aizawa here actually has the ability to erase quirks for periods of time."

"Oh, that explains things," Kei utters.

"And secondly, I believe you are greatly mistaken about your quirk."

Kei raises an eyebrow, "Enlighten me."

"Your quirk is actually called Succubus."

"You mean-the sex demon?"

"Yes. That explains while people are always attracted to you. It is also characterized by your ability to fly with your retractable wings and your ability to emit dangerously strong flames. As such, you are immune to heat-based and manipulative types of quirk."

"That's a pretty precise research."

"As powerful as your quirk may be, I am sure you have weaknesses?"

"Ah, of course. I cannot turn off the effects of my allure. My back pretty much aches a lot whenever I use my wings longer than 30 minutes. And well, my clothes combust."

"Anything else?"

Kei stays silent.

"I see. If you are uncomfortable yet, it is fine. Is it then safe to assume that you are accepting our offer?"

"Yes, although I am mainly interested in him," Kei says as she points her finger at Aizawa. She displays a mischievous smirk. "Let's see how long you can handle me, daddy ~"

"I am regretting this decision already," Aizawa murmurs. "There is more to life other than thrill, you know."

[A/N If you have issues regarding the character's age, read the comments section of chapter 55 and the A/N of chapter 56 at your own risk.]

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