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"Well, today we've rented the general sports center for training. Recently, I've gotten scared of falling asleep. I'm Mera. Looking forward to working with you today, too." Yokumiru Mera, a beige-haired middle-aged man with overall disheveled state introduces, earning a mortified expression from the other participants of the event. "One more thing before we begin. Up until now, we have had eleven people in this class, but starting today, we will have twelve."


As soon as the familiar prolonged voice enters Kei's eardrums, she snorts, simultaneously holding her hand up her mouth to stop herself from chuckling.

"You're not someone who should be suffering a setback in a place like this! Show them why you're in a different league from them!" Endeavor shouts from the bleachers.

"As expected of Daddy Enji's unwavering support," Kei silently chuckles as she pokes Shoto's side. "Face his direction, at least," she teases, only to be ignored.

"What? No way!"

"It's Endeavor!"

"The number two... no, the number one hero..."

"Seriously? Why is he here?"

Kei glances at the group, seeing stern faces from the teens. She sets her eyes on an unusually frowning male, "Even Inasa, huh."

"Wait, next to Endeavor..." one of the participants remarks, referring to a certain shrunken blonde.


"It's All Might!"

"What's he doing here?"



"Well, he is a teacher at UA right now."

Kei hums at the sudden shift of mood and notices Katsuki glance at Shoto. She utters almost inaudibly, "Oh ho ~ angry Pomeranian is concerned? And here I thought I'm the only one who can make his soft side resurface?"

"Um, everyone, please calm down. May I continue?" the proctor interrupts. "She'll be joining the class starting today—"

Camie enters and gestures politely as she introduces herself, "I'm a second year at Shiketsu High School. Please call me Camie."

"Like the rest of you, she made it to the second exam and fulfilled the requirements to take the supplemental class, but because the cause of her foggy memory from the days before the exam was unknown, she had to pass up the opportunity to participate."

"They said ok-ok to like, making an exception and it's, like, so generous! I like, totally owe them tons, but, like, 'sup!" Camie chimes in with a peace sign, earning sweat drops from the first-time on-lookers, seeing that they don't understand her speech pattern.

The proctors allocate themselves on the sideline with their laptops open, ready for grading. "Now, I leave it to you then..."

As if on cue, a marine mutant enters the arena holding a water bottle on his left hand.

"...Gang Orca," Yokumiru trails, continuing his words.

"You all came today too without being discouraged huh?" the number 10 hero speaks as he strolls to the group. "You failures who were culled by that easy exam!"

Everyone stiffens, building their guard up with their former examiner.

He walks across the center. "There's something I realizes from the course up to this point." He glares at the students as his tone rises, "Far from being heroes, you lot are lower than the ocean bottom dwellers! You're goby fish turds!"

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