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"How did your day go?" Aizawa lies lazily on the sofa with the cat on his stomach.

"Boys are complicated, aren't they?" Kei releases a short sigh as she places the groceries on the kitchen counter.

"I'd be usually hearing the opposite, actually," the male says, yawning.

Kei hums in response, not wanting to push the topic further. "Well, how was your nap?"

"As broken as my will to live," Aizawa blurts out.

Kei giggles at his retort. "Has your advisory class been giving you a hard time again?"

The female glances at her guardian.

"Well, someone's tired—as always."

Aizawa breathes sharply as he opens his eyelids. It was already dark—he could tell that the night was already deep.

"I forgot about dinner," he grumbles. The male was almost about to stand when he felt a restraint on his limbs. He tries to shake his body but cannot. What the—?! Aizawa reassesses his situation; nothing is holding him down but he seems to be paralyzed at the moment.

He feels a presence nearing by, instantly darting his attention to a certain corner of the room.

Mint green glow.

Aizawa's heart rate peaks at the familiar hues.

"I don't mind serving your meal at this late hour ~" she coos in an enchanting whisper.

What are you doing, brat?

"Oh ho ~ I take your silence as a go signal then ~"

The male gulps. Nothing came out of his mouth. He cannot speak any longer.

Just like the last time.

He sees the glimmer nearing him. Despite the faint light in the almost pitch black room, it seems utterly blinding to him.

He tries to activate his quirk.

But to no avail.

What is happening?

The green hues now stare closely at him, as if she is leaning towards the male in a dangerously small gap in between.

He could feel her weight added on his hips.

And finally, her warm breath tickles his skin, further invigorating his already tensed body.

"You look stiff ~"

Aizawa could feel the cold air against his trunk as the female's delicate fingers slowly lift his shirt.

It was then eventually switched with a soft, warm hand tracing his sculpted chest, down to his abdomen, carefully absorbing the detail of his six-packs.

"Heck, you feel stiff ~"

The male has his teeth gritted, caging his desire to release a moan.

The female reaches his v-line, teasingly caressing his risky zone.

And he held it long enough.

A vibration escapes his throat; his supposed grunt turns into a low, frustrated moan.

Aizawa's eyes widen at this involuntary occurrence.

The female giggles ever so lightly at his reaction.

"Finally had enough of your self-restrain, huh ~"

Her hand lets go of the male's body, subsequently cupping his face.

Temptress: Cursed Blessing [BNHA X OC]Where stories live. Discover now