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"Took you long enough," Aizawa says in a bored tone as soon as the car door opens, not even bothering to gaze.

"Awe, miss me already, daddy?" Kei teases, adjusting her seat.

"Sure, brat, whatever floats your boat," he replies, starting the engine.

The first half of the ride was filled with stagnant air, with Kei only bothering to stare at the familiar streets outside the window

"Ne ne ~"

"What is it?"

"Why do you look like you're always tired?"

Aizawa gives Kei a side-glance, his guard still unwavering.

He has been warned, after all.

"I have night shifts."

"I see."

And the silence continues until they reach a typical two-floored Japanese home. As soon as they enter, the adult male led the female to her bedroom on the first door to the right.

"Here is your room. Mine is right next to yours. Come downstairs after you set your things."

Aizawa climbs down and into the kitchen. He later released a long sigh. He utters to himself with a deep grimace on his face, "That woman's quirk is more threatening up close!"

"How bold of you to see me as a woman and not just a kid you look after, my dear guardian," Kei budges in, specifically emphasizing her last thoughts.

Aizawa's eyes widen in shock, not expecting to have his carelessness show up at the wrong time.

"Not that I mind though," Kei says with her usually playful tone. She then raises her hands, showing a tri-colored exotic shorthair. "On a completely different note, is this yours? It is getting too comfortable on my bed."

"Oh, neko."

"Yes, I can see that it is a cat."

"That is neko."

Kei blinks. "Again, yes, we can clearly see that it is a cat."

"That cat's name is Neko."

This time, Kei raises an eyebrow. "You are naming your cat Cat?"

"Yes. It's a bother thinking of another."

The female sets the cat down. "Why am I not surprised that you are a cat person?"

Aizawa sighs, internally relieved that Kei did not push their former topic any further.

"Are you done with your room?"

"Yeah, pretty much ~"

"Come, let us eat."

"Oh, what's on the plate ~" Kei slyly smirks, her tongue swiping meticulously between her lips.

Aizawa notices the change in hue of the female's eyes, reflexively activating his quirk. He then realizes his action, undoing it in fear of possibly demolishing the trust between the two. He relaxes his tensed muscles, inhaling deeply before speaking with his usual tone, "Rice, you impulsive brat."

Kei hums before uttering, "Yeah, that. Were you thinking of something else?"

After dinner, Aizawa prepares for his night patrol. The female, curious of his guardian, sees him through the door. "When are you returning?"

"Late," he simply states. "I trust that you still have my number?"

Kei nods.

"Good. Ring me up if something happens."

Temptress: Cursed Blessing [BNHA X OC]Where stories live. Discover now