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Kei attends Recovery Girl's class for the first half of the day. For the remaining hours, she was instructed to report to Nezu about her current standing and was later wired to Saiki for their lessons. The teen tells her teacher about the recent exam and her quirk development, specifically about her dream invasion ability.

The teacher hums, as if in deep thought, "I've heard of that long ago, from a colleague who formerly worked abroad. I might have to look into the matter deeper." Briefly pausing, he showcases a playful smirk, "So, you actually managed to doze off mid-air?"

Embarrassed, Kei only manages to sheepishly laugh, "Kinda stupid, I know, but hey, it's a rare skill to instantly fall asleep!"

Saiki chuckles at her lame attempt to create a lighter impact. He later reaches out for the female's head and gently pats her, "I'm still so proud of my star student. You'll get to wherever you want to be at soon enough. I'll just be here to support you."

"Thank you," the female timidly replies, flustered and sincerely grateful at her teacher's words. They mean a lot to her.

"And since you lack rescue skills, we'll be off to see Thirteen now. Go change to your costume," he hums, strolling towards the door.

"Like, right now?" Kei comments, quite surprised by the sudden adjustment.

"Yeah, the people involved in the faculty already talked about it through Eraser Head's evaluations," Saiki replies as he opens the door. "Meet me downstairs. A car will be waiting."


"Why do I have to do a part 2 tomorrow?" Kei lazily says as she slumps her weight on an empty vehicle seat.

"You got to master every terrain," Saiki replies, smiling at the female. "You'll never know where accidents or attacks might happen."

"Right ," Kei sighs. "And oh, are we done for today?"


"Can you drop me to 1-A dorm instead?"

The ride was silent and relaxing to say the least. Saiki has been one of the few adults whom Kei finds comfort after all. He did not question her of her intentions but rather let her go with her own phase. Kei later waves farewell to her teacher as soon as she gets off the vehicle.

They finished their lessons earlier than the usual dismissal time so Kei decided to grab some of her clothes in her temporary stay at Aizawa's. The moment she enters, her body visibly shivers at the lowered room temperature getting under her skin. She rapidly climbs up to her floor and packs her essentials, not really paying attention to the eerily quiet surrounding.


She was about to walk past the common area and towards the main entrance when she saw a flash of ash blonde through her peripheral vision. Whipping her head towards the long sofa, she sees a sleeping Katsuki with a thin muscle tee outlining his ripped upper figure. She then glances at the air conditioners activated at full blast, furrowing her eyebrows.

Kei sighs, deciding to approach the male as she pulls out her favorite mini blanket from her bag. Carefully spreading the folded fabric to cover the male, she utters softly, "Do you wanna catch a cold, you stupid idiot?" Tucking the male in, she stares for several more seconds, familiarizing Katsuki's soft features.

Kei was about to turn around when she felt a firm grip on her arm, followed by an abrupt pull towards the male's direction. Her body was consequently wrapped with strong arms as she feels hot air against her shoulder. "If there's an idiot between us, it's gonna be you, stupid woman," Katsuki grunts, almost a low growl emanating from his throat. "I heard about your situation from that shitty glasses. What the fuck did you do this time?"

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