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Training-Day 4

For the next day's training routine, Kei chose to jog along Musutafu shore. From that moment on, the female decides to change her outfit picks, both due to experimentation purposes and her personal liking.

"Ara ara," she hums, spotting a familiar greenhead a few meters in front of her. She picks up her speed until she was now able to jog by his side. Izuku was too focused that he basically erased everything into white noise. "Izu ~" the female coos.

The green-headed teen jumps away warily. It took a second for him to finally realize the female's presence. "K-Kei! It's been a while!"

Said girl extends her hands out, "What, no hugs or anything?"

Izuku assesses the girl's mint green hues, cautious as to Kei's effects on him.

"Hey, I don't bite ~"

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"Hey, I don't bite ~"

The back scratches the back of his head as he nervously laughs, "It's just that, I'm sweaty and-ahaha-hah..."

"Aw, too bad," Kei muses, "but you refused so that's a good sign."

Izuku was hit with a major realization at the female's words, "You can now control your quirk?!"

Kei resumes her jog, with her friend tagging along.

"It's almost something like that, but close."

The male's eyes glints, automatically turning on his series of analysis as he started with, "Indeed, I saw no signs of symptoms in your eyes awhile back-"

"Hey, how about I'll see you at the fest?" She rushes away, waving at the boy.

"But, Kei! You haven't told me which class you're at yet!"


"Did you really have to double my training menu?" Kei says, panting heavily as sweat traces cover her skin.

"You said you wanted thrill," Aizawa lazes on the sofa with his coffee. "Get changed. You still have classes."

"Yes Sir," she says, prolonging the second word.

"It's 'yes Sir'."

"We aren't even at school yet!"


Kei was given the first half of the day under Recovery Girl and the other half off for training purposes. She is now walking near the building grounds when she hears a shout from above.

"Heads up!"

She does as told and sees a male freefalling from the building. There was a large bang, destroying the ground and creating smoke from the dust.

"Yeah!" Eijiro cheers, showing his hardened state.

"There's my hard boy~" Kei smiles.

"Kei!" Eijiro approaches, now reverting back to his original state.

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