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Series of knocks were heard from Kei's door. Aizawa, who patiently stands by the door, heard no response. He releases a sigh, "I'm coming in." Walking towards Kei's bed, he notices an unusual breathing pattern of the unconscious female. Aizawa touches Kei's forehead. He rushes over to his bedroom to get his phone.

"Yes deary, what's the matter?"

"Kei is burning up, what do I do?"

There was a short pause on the other end of the line. "Follow my instructions for the mean time. I will arrive shortly."

"How is her situation?"

"She has a regular fever. I have already administered the necessary measures. She needs lots of rest. Make sure to let her take the day off tomorrow." Recovery Girl explains.

Aizawa sighs, "This troublesome brat."

The old woman smiles at his worried expression. "You'll become a great parent someday, deary."

"Sounds like a lot of work to me."

"Although I am wondering. Is she overusing her quirk lately?"

Aizawa thinks for a while. "I've noticed her consistent use of a sub-power—the one she calls Allure."

"I see," the older woman contemplates for a while. "I am assuming that her quirk overuse is taking a toll on her body. She must learn how to regulate it as soon as possible otherwise the series of fever might eventually kill her."

Aizawa stays silent.

"Very well, I'll be off now."

"Sorry for troubling you at this hour, Recovery Girl."

"No worries, no worries. Here," the nurse hands Eraserhead two pieces of candies.

"I'm hungry," Kei mumbles as her eyes start to flutter. She can feel something—well, someone¸ weighing down the side of her bed. She peeks at the source, seeing a peacefully sleeping Aizawa sitting on a chair as half his body leans against the sheets. Kei's eyes show a hint of glee, grateful about his guardian's sincerity. The female slowly sits up. Her fingers caress the male's messy hair. "Thank you, guardian."

She subsequently hears a muffled mumble from her guardian. "You awake already, brat?" he asks, yawning. He gets up, bringing the female porridge, "Here, you need energy to recover. You can suspend your workout tomorrow and just rest at home. I'll be cooking breakfast." The male then starts to walk out of the room, "Call me when you need anything."

"Why am I seeing him as a parent potential?" Kei murmurs, scooping the food.

"Chores, done. All-day shows, watched. Ah, so boring," Kei monotonously says.

As if on cue, her phone rings, flashing an unknown number.

Kei picks it up.

"Kei Yagami?"


"I called to inform you about Eraser Head's condition."

Kei's heart skips a bit. "What happened?"

"He's at the hospital and currently undergoing treatment."

"Where is Shota Aizawa's room?" Kei demands at the information desk.

"I'm sorry but that information is unavailable to the public." The staff says as he types on his keyboard.


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