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"You look pale," Hitoshi addresses to Kei as he walks from behind her. "Are you good?"

"Yeah," the female shortly says, releasing her clutched arm from her chest.

"If you're here to hog the fun, at least look like you're happy or excited," Hitoshi says, suggestive of something.

Kei only manages to hum in response.

"Forty-two made it through the preliminary. Even if you don't make it through, don't worry. You still have a chance to shine," Midnight announces from the stage, showing off her signature smirk. "Next, the real game begins. From here on, the press will be excited. Do your best!" she whips the air as the randomizer starts to roll. "Now, for the second event. Although I know what it is... what could it be? What could it be?" she adjusts her mask, pointing her free hand to the monitor. "And now, here it is!"

"Cavalry... battle?" Kei tilts her head, unfamiliar of the term.

"I will explain. Participants will form your own group of two to four members. The rules are no different from a regular cavalry battle. But there's one difference. According to the result of the last race, each player will be appointed a point," Midnight elaborated.

The class 1-A students start their own murmurs.

"Point system like the entrance exam? That's easy."

"In other words, depending on the group, each team will be worth different points."

"You guys are saying what I'm about to say!" Midnight interferes the group in an annoyed tone. "Yes, that's right, the assigned points go up by five starting at the bottom" she says, returning to her usual demeanor. "Forty-second place is five points, 41st is ten points and so forth. And the first point assigned to the first place is..." the host briefly halts in attempt for suspense, "ten million!"

"Oh, Izu, you're so dead," Kei whispers as she uninterestedly glances to the male's direction.

"Right. It's a survival game where inferiors overthrow the superiors," Midnight proclaims.

"Ah ~ too bad I can't experience the same thrill, well, unless..."

"If you're planning to join the ten-million kid, I hope you're aware that everyone might go after your team," Hitoshi comments. The male keenly observes Kei's uncharacteristic reaction. Instead of gaining the likes of a pout, she seems to be frozen somehow.

"The time limit is 15 minutes. Each team is worth the total of the member's points, and the rider will wear the headband with that point written on it. Grab each other's headbands and compete for the highest points. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. The more you take, the more difficult it will be to maintain. The important part is, even if your headband is stolen or your team falls down, you're not disqualified. It's a brutal game that allows you to use your quirks. But it's still a Cavalry Battle. A red card will be issued for attacks with evil intent. An immediate disqualification. You have 15 minutes to start negotiating your team members." The screen flashes the beginning of the 15-minute countdown.

Kei tugs Hitoshi's shirt, her eyes glued on the floor, "Let me in your team then."

The male ponders for a moment. "I saw you using white flames a while ago. Can you use if for team defense?"

"Yeah," her voice trails off, "although you might be hurt..."

"Good," Hitoshi comments as he smirks.

Kei shoots a questioning look. "What? Why?"

"We won't need it anyway."

"We won't?" the female asks, dumbfounded.

Temptress: Cursed Blessing [BNHA X OC]Where stories live. Discover now