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As the recreational activities are being held, Kei wanders, looking for a specific room. She stumbles upon a spiky ash blonde's back facing against the wall. She smiles, seeing how the male is trying to focus. The female resumes her journey on a thought that Katsuki is the probable final boss-she has assessed the 1-A skills in All Might's battle simulation after all. However, she cannot deny the fact she could face him soon, and it unnerves her.

She opens a door sluggishly, revealing green-haired and tailed students in the middle of a discussion. Both said males stopped to look at Kei.

The female sweat-drops, murmuring to herself, "Wrong room but, oh well." She invites herself in, waving at the broccoli, "Hey Izu ~ looking mortified, as usual."

She drags a sit beside the tailed man. "You," he says.

"Me," Kei deadpans.

"You were one of us! Do you remember anything before the start of the cavalry battle?"

"Oh, so that's what you're discussing," Kei coos. "I remember dragging you to Toshi although after that, I can't really tell you."

"I see. So you have no memories as well," the tailed man says, trailing his voice.

"I didn't mean it that way-" Kei raises an eyebrow in objection.

Her statement was cut short by Izuku, "Toshi? As in Shinso? So you know him! What's-"

"Bup bup," Kei raises a finger, halting the male. "As much as I'd like to play favorites, I'll save the thrill for later." She stands up. "Besides, one person is already enough to give you a jumpstart of what is to come," Kei says, winking at the tailed man. "And oh, Izuku, I haven't seen you use your quirk yet."

"Leave the thrill for later, right?" Izuku says with a determined gaze.

Kei pauses for a fraction of second, witnessing the boy's willpower. "Touché," the female murmurs, internally delighted to see the gaze she is searching for. She leaves the room with one remark, "Very well ~ I'm wishing you best of luck! You might need it."

The males gaze at the female's back before continuing their planning.

On her way to the other room, Kei mentally face-palms, "I kinda gave away who I'm gonna put my tabs on."

"Oh, and would that be on me?" Hitoshi's voice rings from behind, making Kei's eye twitch in anticipation.

She faces the indigo-haired male. "And here I thought you are warming up already. Now, I'm having second thoughts."

Hitoshi walks past the girl and into the room, "Go ahead then, and regret your change of mind later."

Kei tails the said male. "Oh ho ~ someone's putting a hundred percent assurance in his quirk ~"

"Aren't you also though?" Hitoshi says, referring to Kei's confidence in his power. He pulls a chair and sits on it, facing the female who mirrors his actions.

"Well, yes and no." Kei's chin lands on the back of her hand resting against the table. "In mental strength, by all means, yes, you're basically undefeated, alright. Your quirk is very strong, after all-although it might not work against a few people. But of course, you already know that." She shifts her position, now placing her finger under her chin. "But you see, to utilize such a quirk to its fullest extent, it needs the wielder to have intellect and technique in using it."

"You're saying?"

"-that I'm putting my bet on you rather than your quirk alone," she smirks mischievously.

Hitoshi gives the girl a knowing smile, his eyes becoming tender by the second. "You're overestimating me."

"Oh, believe me, I have high standards and you're one of them ~"

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