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"Good morning Full Moon~" Kei enters to see a sweating teen through his muscle tee. "Looking hot ~"

"Tch," Katsuki clicks his tongue, earning a pause as he peeks through Kei's back to spot their class vice president. "You have routine around this time?"

Kei hums as she separates with Momo and goes with Katsuki towards the kitchen.

"You weren't there when I woke up," the male murmurs lowly, soft enough for only the both of them to hear.

"Would you rather have me stay for the night?" Kei smirks, "I wouldn't be able to hold myself back with that soft, handsome sleeping face of yours, Full Moon ~"

Katsuki's cheeks dust pink at her words. He grunts, "Don't you fucking tell any of last night to anyone, woman!"

Kei beams, closing in as she watches Katsuki prepare the pan, "I won't. I like keeping our little somethings between us, after all ~"

The male irks slightly, pleased by the female's assurance yet somehow irritated by the fact that he couldn't barricade his possession-supposed-to-be.

"Oh, will you be cooking today?" Kei blinks at the realization of the male picking up ingredients.

"Those extras can't cook real shit," Katsuki utters, making Kei wonder if the male was referring to their experience at the summer camp.

"That's so sweet of you," the female pokes as she helps her partner with the food preparation. "Kind of husband-material, to be honest," she pauses for a while before snickering, "less the anger issues."

"Are you saying something, woman?!"

Kei was lazing around the common area with no one to bother. She was supposed to trouble at least Izuku or Shoto but the former seems rather busy with some sort of training while the latter was summoned home for familial reasons. The others disappeared soon after, taking care of their own businesses.

"Hey Kei, wanna hang out?" Denki chirps, popping from the main area.

Kei bores her eyes to the hyper-active male with her head thrown back to the sofa. "Sure, I guess."

"That's great! The squad's already there!"

The female lazily follows Denki to his room, only to be greeted with a lively bunch plus a particularly annoyed Pomeranian getting tugged by a redhead.

"Oh, it's Kei!" Hanta acknowledges the newcomer.

"I was looking for you earlier," Mina pats the empty seat beside her.

"Ah, yeah, I was probably taking a bath around that time," Kei ponders, considering her long stay at the warm shower, and sits between the pinkette and the ravenette. "I'm surprised you managed to drag him over," the female says, jabbing her finger to Katsuki's direction.

"Kirishima has some sort of power play going on," Hanta whispers from Kei's left.

"The ship is sailing!" Kei squeals, earning a set of giggles from Mina and Hanta.

"The fuck are you saying, Asian face!" Katsuki barks.

"Oh, we were just talking about who to invite in your wedding," Kei winks at Eijiro.


"Don't count me into that, I'm too young to die!" Hanta shrieks, noticing the blonde's anger directed to him.

Kei just chuckles at his reaction, "So, what are we doing?"

"Oh yeah, we were just talking about seven minutes in heaven!" Mina exclaims.

Temptress: Cursed Blessing [BNHA X OC]Where stories live. Discover now