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Kei couldn't focus on her rescue training. Despite Aizawa's assurance on getting to handle the case, she feels odd, as if having a premonition of an upcoming danger. The next day, she was given a go signal to return to her dorm and prepare for her internship.

She patiently waits with Fumikage on the train's platform.

The male glances at the oddly quiet female, "Is there anything bothering you?"

Kei meets his gaze with a tilted head. "Yeah, although you might find difficulties in addressing it."

"I'll try my best," the male sternly speaks.

Kei ponders for a moment, wondering if she'll speak her true worries out. She then pauses as another thought pops out, carefully eyeing the male, "Okay, so, how do you kiss a bird? Do you peck? Or do you peck?"

Taken aback, Fumikage pauses, wide-eyed.

"See?" Kei giggles. "You haven't tried it, have you?"

Fumikage averts his eyes from Kei's mint green hues, slightly flustered by her question.

The female pokes his side with a stretched smirk, "Wanna practice with me then?"

Dark shadow instantly sprouts out of nowhere and leans towards Kei, whispering closely as he snickers, "He's at 50/50."

"Dark shadow, return!" Fumikage orders, making Kei softly chuckle.

The duo reach their destination in peace only to be greeted by the information desk staff that directed them to Hawks's office.

A sidekick escorts them, "You're lucky that he's in today. He's usually a very busy man." He opens the door and wishes the teens a good luck.

"Welcome to my hero agency!" the blonde male cheekily declares.

"Hey daddy bird," Kei coos as she waves to the hero. "I hope you're up for a challenge today."

Hawks smirk at her remark, "Before anything else, I'll have to talk to Tokoyami for the mean time. Do your stretches and wait for me at the top floor, little one."

Kei hums, heading out to change her costume and consequently go to the rooftop. She proceeds with the basic stretching with her wings out while waiting for her mentor.

"Up for a race?" a male's voice echoes from behind.

Kei snaps her direction towards winged hero. "Oh, aren't we bringing Fumi?"

"He's perfecting a move at the moment. We'll have the patrol today." He expands his wings and lifts himself up. "Catch up if you can," he smirks as he flies off.

"Dang, no head start?" Kei complains, following suit. She keenly observes her surroundings, spotting a flash of red and going after it. Their chase went on for about half an hour, with Kei reaching her limits as sweat beads run down her forehead. Already feeling exhausted, she lands on a nearby building.

"Aw, tired already?" Hawks coos, nearing the female's back.

Kei doesn't bother to look and rather concentrates on her aching back. She squirms when her bare back, just in between her wing blades, come in contact with something warm gently moving in a circular motion. She instantly feels a relaxing sensation creeping in, making her moan in pleasure.

"Woah there, chill," Hawks chuckles. "Feels good right? This sweet spot takes winged man to know from another."

"Quite a dangerously tempting information," Kei muses, grinning widely.

"I'd let you take your time using that piece of info. Too bad, you're not staying the night," Hawks teases, slightly pressing the muscle knot.

Kei once again mewls at the sensation, "I have special classes tomorrow to attend to."

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