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On their way to the common area, Eijiro flashes a smile, "I figured you'd also stay in our dorm! Wanna hang out at Denki's room later this day? He said he'd show us new games! Mina and Sero said they were coming too."

Kei hums, as if considering his suggestion. "Too bad, I'm already fully booked for the day. Maybe next time?"

"Sure! We have a lot of time ahead anyway!" he optimistically replies.

"Indeed we have ~"

As the duo arrives at their destination, Eijiro sprints off to his room on the note of making it 'manly'. "You'll be situated at the fifth floor with Yaoyorozu, Asui, Sato, Todoroki and Sero. Will you be okay with that?"

Kei hums in a long, suggestive manner, making the teacher sigh.

"It would be logical to have you installed at that floor seeing as the males stationed there are less likely to react to the effects of your quirk. You're also acquainted with Todoroki right?"

Kei nods at his statement, recalling that UA did a background check on her and that both teens attended the same work immersion. She internally wonders if Endeavor tipped UA in his gig.

"Then it would be best to have him around in case you needed someone to confide with if I'm not here," Aizawa says. "Get going now. Tidy your room or something." He was about to turn away when he feels a light tug, "What is it, brat?"

"Are you gonna be busy today?" Kei asks plainly as she lets go of her guardian's apparel.

"Yes, I have places to go to."

"Do that include the market?"

Aizawa cocks an eyebrow. "No, why?"

"I was wondering if we could fill your food supplies. You already ran out this morning," Kei speaks in an honest suggestion.

Aizawa considers the thought of spending a few hours with Kei, like the old times. Maybe then, he could actually check on the female's traumas about the incident, if she ever had any. But his schedule won't permit so. "I'll have it fixed soon. Don't worry about it."

Kei pouts, displaying puppy eyes.

On this note, the adult just exhales. By now, he already knows of the teen's tendency to look after what she refers to as family. She won't shut up about it unless she assures that things are actually fixed in accordance to her goal. "Fine. But you won't be going with me," he finalizes, still keen about a probable attack although the chances wouldn't be as high now that main man of the opponents' side has been captured.

Kei was chilling in her room when her phone rings. Picking it up, she hears an excited female at the end of the line, "Queen, you got a hottie looking for you! Come downstairs! He's at the common area!"

She hears a whining voice at the background, probably belonging to Denki, "Are you sure he's not looking for someone else?"

The pinkette hisses, "I am, now get your ass off mine!"

Kei giggles at this conversation. "Aight, aight, coming. Thanks Mina." She rushes downstairs only to be greeted by two males, one angry and another stoic, glaring at an apathetic indigo-haired male. She could practically see lightning sparks on the exchange as the heavy ambiance surrounds them. In a corner of the room, a certain green-haired cinnamon stands, fidgeting. She fakes a cough, snapping the heads of the males to her direction. "Hey Toshi," she curtly waves, approaching the male.

Said male stands to meet Kei half-way, "Let's go."

"Where the hell are you going with eye bags for brains?" Katsuki fumes as he jolts up from his seat.

Temptress: Cursed Blessing [BNHA X OC]Where stories live. Discover now