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"I'm rotting of boredom and I can't find my phone," Kei says to no one in particular. She blankly stares at the ceiling of the already dark room. Her body feels as though that she already had enough sleep for the day so she can't even take a nap.

The full moon is at its peak—its light partially touching half of her features through the window.

Then an idea pops in her head.

"A little grass feels wouldn't hurt, right? Or maybe a little wind."

She climbs down the window, spreading her wings to its full glory. She inhales deeply, letting the cool air in her expanding lungs. She slowly exhales, a playful smirk spreading on her lips. Then she takes off, extending her arms as the atmosphere caresses her whole being.

She went like this for several minutes before finally setting foot on her window's frame.


...Or so she thought.

She was greeted by a middle aged woman sitting on the bed. Her brownish gray eyes lock at Kei's mint ones as her white hair dances through the air.

Kei descents, putting a respectable gap in between them. "What are you doing in my room?"

"And what room number might yours be?" she asks in a soothing voice.

"Uh, I don't really know. But I figured it's on the second floor—oh," Kei blinks in realization.

The elder female glances at the clock and back at the girl. "The nurses do their rounds at 12 sharp."

"Oh, well, crap," Kei says, only noticing that there is less than a minute before authority budges in anytime soon. "And I'm not even allowed human interaction!" she whisper-yells, followed by a string of mumbles. "More importantly, Shota is gonna kill me if he finds out my police records having trespassing in it!"

Her thoughts were cut short by a soft giggle from the elder woman. "I can help you if you want."

And a sudden knock was heard on the door. Kei instantaneously dives under the bed and covers her mouth. She could see a pair of white-clothed feet enter with a cart. After a while of administering the nurse's job, the newcomer exits.

"You can come out now," the snow-haired woman says.

Kei crawls out of her hiding place to find a tender smile plastered on the other female's face. "Thank you."

The woman shakes her head. "Your parent would kill you if he finds out that you snuck in the middle of the night right?" Then a flash of sadness visits her eyes, "I can relate to his reaction—I'm also a parent you see..." Her voice becomes weaker by her last phrase.

"Oh," Kei says, witnessing this subtle change, "you get visits from your children?"

The other female just smiles weakly at the girl.

Kei felt a pang on her chest, wondering what would her guardian would feel, had he been in the same situation and she isn't there for him. She then impulsively blurts out, "I'll visit you then! Starting tomorrow."

The woman's eyes widen a quarter of a second at Kei's considerate words. She then beams curtly, "I'd appreciate that."

Kei stayed for a while, talking about random stuff with the stranger. In their conversation, she found quite a few similarities between them, like how the person they care for have the same syllable on their first names. As the night becomes deeper, she finds more interest in the said woman. By this point, she already decided to make her words earlier come true.

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