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With a blink of an eye, the night before the tournament comes.

"Dinner's ready," Aizawa announces as he knocks at the female's door.

"Coming," Kei responds sleepily. "You could have started with a warning if you are gonna give me a hell week."

"I did give you a warning. You are not pretty bad though. Your quirk's physical enhancement is to your advantage," Aizawa says nonchalantly on their way to the kitchen.

The duo munches in silence until Kei speaks, "Guardian, I'd like to be honest with you about something."

Aizawa gives the girl a knowing look.

"I am joining solely for the thrill."

"Tell me something I don't know."

The female shoots a glare before sighing. "Well, it seems like UA is really looking forward to my joining with heroics. The thing is—if, theoretically speaking, I did join and graduated, I may not have a noble, or at least decent, purpose yet."

"I don't see the problem here," Aizawa comments.

Kei's eyes widen.

"It's okay to move at your own pace. It's okay to not have a proper objective. UA is just here to present you opportunities, and it's your choice whether to take it or not. It doesn't matter if you will realize your goal later than most people. I'll be here to support your decisions as your guardian"

Kei's eyes soften at this heart-felt word from her guardian. She says in a whisper, "I'm so glad to have met you, Aizawa."

This sentence was immediately captured by the male's radar, "This is the first time I am hearing you call my name, and my surname at that."

"Would you rather let me call you daddy ~"

"Shota is fine."

"But that would be the same name-calling as your other lover," Kei says referring to Hizashi.

Aizawa groans, "Suit yourself, brat."

Kei was just about to close her eyes when she felt a presence enter in her room.

With a low baritone, a male whispers to her ears, "Hey there, princess."

The female snuggles the male under the sheets. "I miss you, Dabi."

Dabi pulls Kei closer, his nose lingering on the crook of the female's neck. "That's why I am here." The last time she saw him was the day she learned his technique, and that's it—no clues as to the male's whereabouts. "Tell me about your day."

"It's the usual—tiring, the training is getting harder, but fun!"

"How's your quirk improvement?"

"Well—I kinda got stuck with Allure. I had to shut it off at school often, especially on spars." The female pauses, her words almost coming out a murmur as her words later trails, "Now, I'm suffering the consequences..."

The male hums as smirk slowly creeps his face. He gently caresses the female's hair. "As much as I like to satisfy the consequence of your Allure, why don't you try to use it at your advantage sometimes?"

"In battle, you mean? But that would be a risky move."

"It depends on your timing, princess. Use it for opening, for instance." Dabi says, planting a kiss on the female's forehead.

Kei responds with a soft hum, followed by a short pause.

"I wanna show you something tonight. Are you up for a sneak, princess?"

The female glances at the enchanting turquoise hues, "Take me under your wings, my dearest knight ~"

Dabi leads the girl outside, through the window. He places his coat on her shoulders as she pulls her closer to him, keeping her warm. "Quirk-wise, you cannot handle cold, can you?"

The female shows a grateful smile, reaching for the male's hand. "What would I be without you ~"

"Still a princess, but with one less admirer," he says in a raspy voice.

Kei just hums in response.

They walked under starry skies, letting silence speak for them for the mean time. They already reached the uninhabited place outside the city but the duo are too distracted to even notice. The male couldn't help himself but to adore the delight on the female's face as she stares at the heavens.

"It's the most stars I've seen so far. It's so pretty ~"

The male flushes a sincere smile, "I'll bring the heavens down here for you, if you wish, princess."

It was this time that Kei finally releases her gaze at the night sky. She notices that they are in the middle of a woodland. "How would you do that, I wonder ~"

Dabi closes in, whispering to Kei, "Close your eyes and leave everything to me."

Kei follows as she was instructed to. She later feels herself being lifted from the ground and several seconds after, she was carefully placed into a soft ground, her feet feeling the cold grass.

"Now slowly open them, princess," Dabi coos.

Kei lifts her eyelids.

She was greeted with a rare sight.

"This is my favorite place, princess

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"This is my favorite place, princess. And I'm sharing it with my favorite person."

Kei gazes at the tender turquoise glint, her eyes glowing a bright hue almost mirroring her surroundings.

Dabi crouches down to Kei's level, his finger reaching for her chin as he leans closer, "That's right, princess. I like the way your eyes reflect my favorite gleam." His thumb carefully traces her bottom lip as his voice drops low, "Too bad, I can't have it to myself."

"Dabi I—" she was about to speak when Dabi cut her off with a light kiss. The female can tell that his eyes were the most earnest ones she can extract from the male.

Dabi releases her, his breath tickling Kei's face.

"Can I call you mine, princess?"

On the deepest peak of the night, Kei leans her forehead on Dabi's chest as she grips his shirt. She could feel the male's warmth being shared with her as his strong arms support her back.

"Can you stay longer? At least until I fall asleep."

"I plan to, princess."

Unknown to both of them, light footsteps travel away from Kei's door, heading to the next room.

Aizawa lies on his bed, bringing his arm up to cover his face.

"That troublesome brat."

Temptress: Cursed Blessing [BNHA X OC]Where stories live. Discover now