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"I'll have you five work together and grasp the hearts of the kids in this class," Gang Orca finally gives his instruction.

"Are you telling us to be nursery school teachers?" Katsuki retorts, showing a deeper scowl.

The pro hero discards the teen's words and resumes his message to the remainder of the participants, "Now, the rest of you will have a lecture after your practical exercises with my employees, as usual. Attention!"

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

Kei grimaces at the thought of not having anyone to bother with. The kids seem to be alerted of her sub-ability and her companions are too busy tending to the children's needs. She sighs, deciding between doing nothing or sulking.

After a few moments of dullness, Present Mic's voice echoes in the stadium. "My MC spirit has reached its limit! Background music and live reporting! Without them, there is no soul in an event!"

"Well, whether there is or not is honestly—" All Might was about to reply when the other teacher chops his statement off.

"It doesn't matter whether there is or not, then obviously it'd be better to have them, Mighty Boy!" In a glimpse, the hero rushes down to the observers' deck. "Now, let's get this party started, underachievers! Yeah! The battle between the future heroes and the rugrats has begun!"

In the field...

"Let's, like, have some fun, okay, kiddos?" Camie attempts a conversation with a bunch of girls.

"Ignore her, ignore her, ignore the wanton woman..."

"Leave her, leave her," says one of the brats, walking away from the Shiketsu girl.

On the other side, a group of young ones keep on bugging certain annoyed blonde. "Give that back!" Katsuki scowls to the two boys dribbling his gauntlet away. "That's not a toy for kids!"

"Is it okay for that to be so easily removed?" Shoto notes from a near group of kids.

"I took them off because it's be dangerous, damn it!" Katsuki barks while chasing the boys.

Meanwhile, Camie tries to calm the pony-tail girl's nerves as the latter openly display disgust to the teen. The Shiketsu student murmurs, "I mean grasp the hearts is like, super vague. Like, what're we supposed to do, anyway?"

The girl hisses when Camie attempts to near her.

"Now, Team Goby looks like they don't know what they're supposed to do!" Present Mic comments with his hand pumping midair as he observes the chaos occurring at the stage.

"It's fine for you to do this but it's still a class, so don't go overboard," the proctor reminds the hyped blonde hero.

"Okay, okay," the pro hero affirms and later addresses the elementary school teacher beside him, "However what should they be doing? What would you like out of this, Ma'am?"

"Well..." the female adult starts, "the early elementary school years are important time for building character." The teens stop to listen at the teacher's thoughts. "Because the difference between quirks has a bid effect, we offer counseling in order to support healthy emotional development, but counseling is not a cure all. The children of this class have closed their hearts to us. I understand that this is my responsibility." The teacher has her tears held back, "But if interacting with you all, working so hard to achieve your dreams, will help them remember their honest feelings..."

Absorbing the teacher's words, the teens take the matter into their hands seriously.

Katsuki clicks his tongue and later walks away.

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