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The land of tussock and grass covered hills with giant rock formations was first inhabited by four cats who had run away from clans who's names have long been forgotten. They formed two clans, RainClan and SunClan. They never had numbers larger than ten over the generations that followed. The two kept peace between them and eventually the need for medicine cats dwindled away over the lack of injuries that came from fights. But even they couldn't prevent the deaths of clan cats at the paws of natural selection. It became common and hard to stop the deaths of those to storms, winds, and the cold, snow-filled, winters that came with living in the high country hills. This being another reason for the dwindling populations in both clans. 


Due to the peace between the two clans the hills are shared as one big territory, with no borders. A gully in between two hills holds a valuable area that they all rely on, a small forest of pine trees that contains prey, herbs and bedding. The sacred place where gatherings are held in beneath the highest hill, in a clearing containing a stream fed pool. This pool is also where leaders receive their nine lives from StarClan.


RainClan: Positioned on the hill next to the sacred gathering place, directly at the top. The area is covered in ancient rock mounds and patches of tussocks. Dens have been built into the gaps in the rocks, filled with long grass, moss, feathers, prey fur and anything else that can keep out the cold.

SunClan: Have developed a network of tunnels into one of the lower hills for storage and escape units from larger predatory animals. Dens are made in the tussocks and bushes that hide the tunnels from sight by weaving the stems and branches together until they form thick, insulating walls. Like RainClan, the dens are filled with anything that will keep out the cold. 

Dwindling Numbers

RainClan: 3 Clanborns, 3 Adopted Strays / Kittypets

SunClan: 3 Clanborns, 3 Adopted Strays / Kittypets 

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