Chapter 6

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"Sootstar! Sootstar!"

Tussockflame barged into camp, his fur ruffled form the wind that managed to make it through the trees.

"Tommy! What is it?" demanded Sootstar.

"Some of the herbs on our territory!" he panted. "Some of the growth has been stolen!"

He was on his feet in an instant and gathering the clan with a wave of his tail. 

"Show me."


Tussockflame cast his nose across the mingled scents, trying to tease out at least one from the mix. Whoever had been here had disguised their scent with the herbs.

"This could have been the work of Dream- IT WAS SUNCLAN!"

"What? Where?" Shallowpool asked. 

"Right here! I smell Gracestar, and Goldclaw, a-and Dreamchaser! And Saptail! It was a joint job! They stole the new growth from our herbs together!"

"They stole our herbs," confirmed Sootstar. "All of them." 

"What do we do about it?" Shallowpool asked, sounding stupidly helpless like usual.

"Shallowpool I want you to go speak with RainClan. Try to reason with them."

"Me?" the calico yelped nervously. 

"Yes, you wanted to do something about it. Go now."

Shallowpool nodded and trotted off, not even trying to smooth down his fear spiked pelt.

They waited in silence until he was gone, then Sootstar spoke to him. 

"Tusscokflame. Your job will be to follow. Keep out of sight and listen in on them. We need information. I trust you to succeed."

Chest swelling with pride, he nodded and set of. Slinking after the calico tom on his spy mission. He would not fail.

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