Chapter 16

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"Dreamstar, I can't believe you'd put one of my own warriors against us," Sootbreeze began as he faced him, trying to appear strong and commanding despite the healing claw marks allover his body. 

"All is fair in war," he reminded the brown tom. "Rattooth saw his mistakes and wanted to return home to his clan. I saw a way of allowing us to both get what we wanted."

"That may be so," Sootbreeze agreed. "But you and your warriors have done great damage to us. I was willing to let go of it when it was just empty threats and anger. But I hoped something like this would never happen, and yet it did. And we still refuse to give in. We are not trying to make trouble with you or SunClan, we are merely trying to survive. Can't you understand that?"

"I can understand it," he answered. "But I still do not agree."

"You didn't like the fact that I was going to be a leader, you didn't like having another cat nearby in power did you," Sootbreeze said. "You knew you were capable of trampling over Gracestar so you let her be, but when I took charge you didn't like it, because I was a threat to you and your power. You don't like sharing power because it makes you and your cats weak. That is why you fight us, not for the territory, but to prevent me from keeping my power."

He snorted. Really?

"Believe what you will, but I am after the territory not the power that you claim I am obssessed with. The land you have taken is a part of our clans' shared territory, it has been used for generations and it cannot just be taken away from us because you want it. We are fighting to get it back."

"Surely we can come to an arrangement," the tom tried to reason. "Let's negotiate. We don't wish for bloodshed, for war or to take your power. We just want to have our own land to sustain StrongClan."

"Do you know what I want Sootbreeze?" he asked, bringing his muzzle close to the brown tom's. "I want you to surrender and give us back our land."

"We do not have an agreement I see. Perhaps-"

"I will tell you this," he continued before Sootbreeze could break into another speech. "If that does not happen then we will destroy everything you have worked hard to achieve. I can do it and I will, if you do not surrender."

"I will not surrender Dreamstar!"

He licked one paw and drew it over his ear. 

"Very well. Let us go to your camp then."

Ignoring the other 'leader' he padded to the trees and across the border, leaving him with no choice but to follow. 

He felt a cold sense of certainty. He would ask Sootbreeze one last time in camp, in front of all of the traitors, and he would still refuse. But that wouldn't matter. They wouldn't stand a chance against what would come next.

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