Chapter 11

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When the Gathering came around, StrongClan's wounds had healed. They were ready to confront the other Clans once again. 

Sootstar marched proudly into the clearing, his warriors gathered around him, and joined the other two leaders on the rocks. Tussockflame sat next to the deputies, glaring at Truthseeker when he wrinkled his nose at him. On his other side sat Burnfire, the new SunClan deputy. 

The rest of his cats sat in a small group away from the combined group that was the RainClan and SunClan warriors, who were exchanging words about the 'clanless traitors' who sat opposite to them. Their leaders stayed silent, watching them with reserved expressions. 

Tussockflame suddenly let out a mocking yowl.

"Ha! Truthseeker what's that at your side eh?"

Sootstar glanced down and noticed for the first time the tortoiseshell kit presses up against the tabby's side.

"Why did you bring a kit to the gathering?" the yellow tom laughed. "I didn't realize you were that desperate to boost the size of you clan!"

"This is my apprentice Tommy!" Truthseeker spat. "And he has more right to sit up here than you do kittypet!"

"Surely you remember him Tussockflame," Dreamstar said before the StrongClan deputy could launch himself at the tabby. "After all, he was the only one that survived the rescue mission you and your friends ruined."

 He looked up at the rest of the clans and addressed them. 

"My clan and I came here tonight for one reason. Badpaw, Truthseeker's apprentice, was rescued from a fire that ravaged one of the distant hills on our shared territory. His family did not survive, and it is the fault of the these strays that dare to call themselves a clan! They stopped us from reaching his family in time and now they must atone!"

Yowls of shock and agreement rose from below the rocks. 


"Crowfood eaters! They must pay!"

"Atone! Atone! Atone!"

The chant swelled into one great caterwaul, only falling silent after Sootstar began to speak.

"It is true that Badpaw's family perished in the fire," he admitted, but his voice was defiant. "But we will not be held responsible for something that never would have occurred if you had not stolen from us in the first place. We attacked to teach you a lesson, to show you that we would not tolerate trespassing thieves. It is in fact because of you that this young tom has lost his family!"

He looked down at Badpaw. 

"Surely you do not want to spend your lives with the cats that cost you your home and family? Why not join a real clan, an honorable one."

"I do not want to spend my life with the ones who caused my family to die," the apprentice said, his voice shaky and high pitched. "And that is why I am not in your clan! It is you, who has no honor! You, who prevented the rescue of my family! You who must atone! I would rather die than ever join you and your gang of heartless rouges!"

"I agree!" declared Gracestar. "They must atone!"

"Never!" Tussockflame spat. "We are not in the wrong here!"

"I have heard enough," Sootstar said, silencing his deputy with a glare. "We will not atone for something that didn't have to happen in the first place. Unless you are going to join us, you are never allowed to put so much as a paw inside of our land! This gathering is at end!"

He leapt down from the rock and gathered his warriors around him. 

"Take caution Sootbreeze," Dreamstar warned as they marched away. "There will be no more chances after tonight. If you do not give us back our land then we will take it, and you will all be driven from these hills like the strays you have shown yourselves to be."


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