Chapter 1

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Sootbreeze was a RainClan warrior. Or at least, that was what everyone saw him as. But only he knew what he was. 

Sootbreeze was a visionary. He knew what his, and his clans future would be. And they would be great, provided everything went to plan. 

Tonight was the night of the gathering, and he had spent countless hours planning. Talking and convincing those he knew were capable of seeing the big picture without much of an explanation. 

Ones who could see him for who he was. A leader, a visionary leader. Sootstar.

He had followers in RainClan now. Two cats who, like him, had been strays adopted into the clan and could see the bigger picture to their future in these hills. The bigger picture for all of them.

Shallowpool, the calico tom with the scars on his muzzle and a missing ear. And Tussockflame, the youngest warrior who had lost his tail in an accident, back when he was a kittypet known as Tommy. 

Shallowpool and Tussockflame stuck together, being the slightly foolish and inexperienced warriors of the clan. Both had their flaws, but both could be great cats, if they were led on the right path of course. 

Sootbreeze especially liked Tussockflame. The tom could be impatient, loudmouthed and rash, but his spirit was all fire and passion. He would make a great warrior, and possibly a great leader, one day. 

He huffed in quite amusement, remembering the young warrior's assessment. It had come from his continuous begging with the last leader, Gravelstar, until she had agreed to let him have it. He had passed, but barley, and Gravelstar had given him his warrior name purely for his dedication to the choice he made.

But Garvelstar had passed away, like many cats in the clan, and the deputy, Dreamchaser, had taken her place and became Dreamstar.

It was a joke in a way. Dreamstar was one of Gravelstar's sons, and the leader before her had been her father, and the one before that his sister. Dreamstar's bloodline ran through the leaders of RainClan. And he had chosen to keep that up, by appointing his brother as deputy. 

Power, that was all his bloodline had received. A false blessing as Sootbreeze called it. Because power only came to those who truly deserved and worked for it. Like him.

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