Chapter 4

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Saptail knew what he was doing was risky, and that his brothers would disapprove of it. But he had to try. For the sake of both clans.

The toms had laid their scent thickly around this part of the forest, a clear sign of them claiming land for themselves. A foolish move that would anger the leaders.

Ignoring the border marks he strode on, following a main trail that led to the unfinished camp. It had been made in a fern filled glade, with half-built dens tucked into the thickest patches and a pile of rocks in one corner, the gaps stuffed with prey and herbs collected from beneath the trees. 

There was an angry hiss from next to him, and Rattooth slid out of the fronds. 

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, baring his teeth in a snarl. 

A paw slapped down on the end of his tail as he tried to ignore the brown tom. 

"I said, where are you going?"

Suddenly angry, Saptail turned on the tom, claws out.

"Stay out of my way you wasteful lump of fur!" he spat. "I'm not here to talk to you!"

 Rattooth stepped back in a hurry, then gave a curt nod and followed him over to the rock pile.

Sootbreeze and Foxtail sat by it, discussing something in a low murmur. They looked up at him, and there eyes flashed. One with amusement, the other with fright. 

"Ah, Saptail," Sootbreeze greeted. "Welcome to our camp. What brings you here friend? Have you finally realized what your future holds?"

"I'm not here for you or your stupid group," Saptail said. "I'm here for him."

He looked at Foxtail and started to speak. 

"What are you doing? You've abandoned your clan for the ideas of a fool who wants power. Gracestar and the rest of SunClan will welcome you back if you come now and apologize. You don't have to be deputy if you don't want to. You don't even have to go back to them, you could come join RainClan instead. We would welcome you. There's no reason to make yourself an outcast."

"So you are trying to offer only the clanborns back are you?" Sootbreeze assumed. "You don't care for those who joined your clan rather than were born into them. You have no sense of acceptance and want to help rebuild your clan by stealing away one of our most promising cats."

"It's true that I don't care for you," Saptail admitted proudly. "You strays were all fools that shamed your clans for your own ridiculous dreams of power. You never understood the warrior code or the importance of our history, it is what keeps us honorable. You have no honor, but I've known Foxtail for a long time and I know that he has honor."

"I do have honor," the ginger tom agreed quietly, avoiding his eyes. "But that is not what this is about. Sootstar's plans for us, they are incredible and filled with the things we should all want in life. Safety and happiness and time to relax without worrying about threats. Once we're all one big clan we can all stop worrying. Can't you see it Saptail? One clan, surviving together in one safe group, not having to worry continuously about who will die next? Think about it. How many cats have died in our clans due to the weather and other predators? Maybe if Sootstar had proposed his idea sooner our clan mates would still be alive. Our parents and friends, they all could have survived."

He locked his gaze with Saptail's, it was full of determination.

"So no I will not go. This clan will bring us to the bright future we need and I will not abandon it now after I made it clear to SunClan that my life as there leader was never going to happen. This is my clan now."

Sootbreeze laid his tail over the ginger tom's back. 

"Well said," he praised, then turned to address him. "Foxtail has spoken. He has made his decision, and seeing that you are not here to join us, you are not welcome on our territory."

"Fine," he growled. "You have made a mistake Foxtail, and that is the last time I will ever try to help you out of it. As of now, we are enemies."

Tail lashing, he whipped around, and marched off.

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