Chapter 17

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Evilslayer looked over at the members of StrongClan. The three of them were avoiding his gaze uncomfortably. They knew he blamed them for his families death. And they were not thrilled about sitting with their former clanmates, who had insisted that since both of their leaders were in negotiation it would be best to wait for them both here.

His claws dug into the dirt, he was impatient and worried. What were the two leaders saying? Had they reached an agreement? Were they fighting right now? Did they need their clans to come save them?

He felt Saptail nudge his shoulder. 

"There," he whispered as the fern entrance rustled and the two toms entered the camp.

Waving his tail as he walked, Sootstar gathered his cats around him and stood in the centre of the clearing, shooing the RainClan warriors back to their leader. 

"Last chance Sootbreeze," Dreamstar said. "Take your cats and leave our land or we will destroy everything you have worked to create, leave you in ruins and give you no choice but to leave."

"My friends, stand with me. You have all heard Dreamstar's order, let us answer as the united toms we are."

He lifted his muzzle and his eyes flashed with pride. 

"Independance, or death. If we get no claim to our land, then we want nothing. We would rather die, than give into you and run like like frightened kits. You can tear down our dens, but we can rebuild them. You can steal our herbs and destroy our prey but we can collect more. We are StrongClan and we will survive!"

"Then you will suffer!" Dreamstar snarled, lunging forward with Evilslayer and his brothers at his heels. 

The StrongClan cats bunched together in a defense formation, eyes narrowed with determination. It was satisfying to watch them widen in surprise as there was another yowl. 

"SunClan attack!"  

"What?" shrieked Shallowpool, as Purplesky leapt out of one of the dens and tackled him. 

"Gracestar!" Evilslayer heard Sootstar exclaim. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking back our land thieves!" the SunClan leader spat back. "No mercy!"

"No mercy!" her warriors agreed, charging and scattering the outnumbered StrongClan toms. 

Claws slashed down Evilslayer's shoulder, leaving deep claw wounds. He whirled around to face his attacker, Tussockflame. 

"Crow-food!" the yellow tom shouted.

"Watch what you say!" he hissed back, rearing up to meet the angry yellow warrior. 

He swatted Tussockflame's head with both paws, blow after blow. 

"You killed them!" he snarled. "You deserve this!"

"RainClan deserved justice! Your family were just caught in the mix! It's RainClan you should blame!"

Teeth met his shoulder and blood bubbled out to greet them, only to be ripped away as Goldclaw helped throw the young tom off. 

"Get lost Tommy! Go back to your owner!" the SunClan tom mocked. "This battle is for warriors! And none of you cats are fit enough to be called that!"

"Tussockflame! Help us!"

They all looked over to where the cry for help had come from. The StrongClan toms, all beaten and bloodied, had been herded into the centre of the camp by the army that was SunClan and RainClan working together. 

Sensing the opportunity, Evilslayer and Goldclaw pinned the distracted young tom. He writhed but was unable to break free. 

"Hold him for me Goldclaw," he ordered, and marched over to the small bramble patch on the edge of the camp walls. 

"It's interesting that you thought you could hide this," he said, reaching in between the tangles of vines and hauling out a pawfull of killed prey. "But I knew it was here once we entered the camp."

He pulled out the largest mouse and scored his claws down it, shredding it. 

"Shall we finish the job Dreamstar?" he asked. 

"Yes we shall," his leader agreed. 

Leaving Truthseeker, Burnfire, Goldclaw and Purplesky to watch the enemy toms the rest of them, including Gracestar, proceeded to tear down the dens and destroy the prey for a second time. 

Then, tails lashing, the army marched as one out of camp, leaving behind the broken. 

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