Chapter 2

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The moon shone clearly over the clearing, turning the pile of rocks by the pool silver. Only two cats were permitted to sit on the highest point. Gracestar, the leader of SunClan, and Truthseeker's brother, Dreamstar.

His place was on the second largest rock, with the other deputy and occasionally a medicine cat if there was one. But currently it was just him and the SunClan deputy Foxtail.

The ginger tom with the white tail tip was the son of the last leader, but he had only been made deputy after his death. He still wasn't sure if the son was the correct pick though.

Foxtail seemed jumpy tonight. Shuffling his paws, twitching his tail and continuously glancing at the other warriors. For what reason he could not tell.

He listened as both leaders shared talk with the two clans. First Gracestar, then Dreamstar.

"Dreamstar," a voice ran out, clear and proud, from the group of warriors. 

All eyes turned to the caller. It was Sootbreeze, standing calmly in the middle of the crowd, flanked by Shallowpool and Tussockflame.

"I have something important to say."

Truthseeker's brother flicked his tail in annoyance.

"Go on."

"Most of you here know me as Sootbreeze, warrior of RainClan. But this is not who I am. I am not a warrior, but a visionary. And I have seen the future of our two clans."

He paused to let his words sink in before continuing.

"Life up here is hard for us. And we have seen death all too commonly. Which is why I am here tonight, I will unite the Clans!"

His statement was met by silence.

"Yes. I know you are all confused. But I have seen it. A strong clan united and thriving under the rule of one cat, me. The leaders-"

He was interrupted with yowls of protest. 

"Mangy fool!"

"Never! You cannot take our Clans as your own!"

"We have leaders! And great ones!"


Gracestar's snarl quietened them all. Rarely did the she-cat raise her voice.

"Sootbreeze, what you are speaking off is ridiculous. There have always been two clans in these hills, each ruled by one cat. Not now, not ever, will we step down from out duties as leader and leave our clans to fall apart under you. Our way of life is not to be changed by the ideas of a tom who joined our clan and does not fully understand our heritage."

Sootbreeze dipped his head. 

"You have made it clear what you think Gracestar, but I believe that you just do not understand fully what I am implying here. What I am doing is for the good of us all."

"Yeah!" spat Tussockflame. "He knows what he's talking about. Your all just too fluff-brained to get it yet!"

"Quiet Tussockflame!" ordered Dreamstar. "This is not your fight! Do not let his foolish ideas affect you!"

"It is my fight Dreamchaser!" the yellow tom challenged. "As I trust Sootstar and will follow him wherever he takes us! He is a leader better than you will ever be!"

"Shut your muzzle before I claw it off Tommy!" SapTail snarled, springing to paws. "Your warrior name is a joke! Clearly you have not earned it!"

"Now, now," Sootbreeze warned, waving his tail. "This is not a fight worth shedding blood over. Clearly some of you need time to realize what is best for us all. Those who understand come stand with me now."

 Shallowpool and Tussockflame were already at his side, he was quickly joined by Rattooth of SunClan. There was a collective murmur of disapproval, that swelled to shock as Foxtail left his position on the rock and leapt down to them.

"Foxtail, you wish to leave your father's legacy for these strays and their foolish ideas?" Gracestar exclaimed. 

The ginger tom looked up at her. 

"Life has always been hard. I feel like his idea would be better, for all of us. Maybe if it had been done sooner, my parents would still be alive now. I never wanted to be deputy, or leader."

"Well said Foxtail," praised Sootbreeze. 

Truthseeker scraped his claws over the rock as the brown tom looked to the other warriors. Goldclaw and Purplesky, both strays who had joined SunClan, refused to look at him. They wanted nothing to do with his plans.

"Don't even think about mangepelt!" hissed SapTail, as Truthseeker's adopted brother flexed his claws. 

"In that case," Sootbreeze said. "I have nothing left to say here. Let us leave."

He stood up, gathered his followers together, and they marched out of the gathering. The hisses and yowls of the remaining warriors following them.

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