Chapter 5

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Truthseeker's voice didn't break his stride, he didn't turn to address him, he just kept walking. 


"Where are you-we, going?" he asked. 

"To speak with Sootbreeze. I'm sure you also want an apology."

"Well. . ."

He glanced over his shoulder at his deputy. The claw marks were shallow and would heal in a day or two, not to mention that the fur would hide them, but nobody . . . Nobody, drew his brother's blood and chased him away. 

"Saptail, let's go!" he called to his adopted black and white brother. "We've got some, things, to deal with."

* * *

"What in StarClan's furry rumps!" 

Tussockflame's voice was the first thing Dreamstar heard when he came close to their so-called border. 

All of them were here, including Sootbreeze. Good.

"Dreamchaser!" yowled Tussockflame as he stepped over the scent line. "Get off our land!"

"Now now," Sootbreeze purred in amusement. "It's alright I need to talk to him anyway. He's the leader of the clan we are most concerned for after all."

The brown tom dipped his head. 

"Welcome to the territory of StrongClan," he greeted.

"StrongClan?" he said with disapproval. 

"Yes. We are all strong are we not and when we stand together we are undefeatable. And likewise we use our strength to defend the weaker and those who seek shelter in our territory."

"Yeah our territory! StrongClan-"

Dreamstar swiped at the annoying golden tom, barely scratching his muzzle, in order to shut him up. 

"Oww!" he exclaimed, then narrowed his eyes at him. "Don't make me get out my claws Dreamchaser! I can use them!"

"No Tommy, that is not nessecary," Sootbreeze assured. 

"Tommy? Are you going back to being a lost kittypet are you? Changing your names back to that of rouges and loners eh?" he mocked. "Should I be calling you Soot again?"

"Oh so you have a problem with cats that aren't clanborn do you?" Tussockflame challenged. "Are my fellow clanmates not allowed to address me as both? You all heard it! You disgust me!"

"Calm Tommy," ordered Sootbreeze. "Dreamstar loves violence and wants a fight. But you will not give him one. You are better than that."

"I am," the young tom agreed. 

Now he could see why Tussockflame had fallen for Sootbreeze's tricks. The tom offered him praise and a false sense of pride in exchange for loyalty and power. 

"So you claim to be more accepting of other cats backgrounds," he assumed. "If that was true, would you care to explain why Truthseeker was attacked while gathering bedding?"

"Ah yes, the borders. We have claimed a section of these hills for StrongClan and only StrongClan. We cannot allow other cats to take the riches of our territory," Sootbreeze explained calmly. 

"So you have taken over an area of land that has been shared among the two clans for generations and are now refusing to let us gather our own resources in order to survive."

"No not like that," Sootbreeze assured. "Arrangements can be made in order for you to collect what you would need from our land. Perhaps a trading system could be put in place. A piece of prey for access to the area inside of our borders, and another for each thing you take from it."


His words came out in a chocked snarl as he tried not to spring at the conniving tom.

"That is never going to happen. We will never hand over prey in exchange for access to the land that belongs to us by right and heritage. You cannot claim it as your own and chase out those who already use it. I will not stand for it, and I am sure neither will SunClan."

"I am afraid that that is how it must be," Sootbreeze said, as if he regretted it. "Our clan must stay as strong as possible and in order to do that we must have the best territory available. The herbs and prey here now belong to us."

"If you do not give us back our land Sootbreeze. . ."

He deliberately flexed his claws and turned away. 

"We will take it."

Then he marched away, his brothers at his side. The war he had been warned about was on the horizon. 

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