Chapter 10

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Truthseeker's eyes were narrowed as he stared into the flames. Somewhere among the burning brush there was a she-cat and kits, and they had to find them. 

"Keep talking!" Dreamstar shouted to her. "So that we can find you!" 

"I'm here!" she yowled back. "In this bramble bush surrounded by tussocks! Please hurry! The fire is coming through the walls of our den!" 

Spotting the bush she was talking about he beckoned his brothers over with a wave of his tail. 

"Hang on!" Saptail called. "We'll get you o-"

His words cut of with a yowl of shock as a golden tom tackled him. It was Tussockflame. 

With a hiss of exasperation Truthseeker charged the young tom, hoping to scare him away from his adopted brother. The traitor paid him no heed, but Foxtail did. 

He collided with the ginger warrior and they fell to the ground, spitting with fury and lashing out with their claws in a pile of angry fur. Dreamstar was in a similar situation, clawing at Sootbreeze and Rattooth as the toms attempted to corner him by the flames while Shallowpool ran to help his friend against Saptail, who was gaining the upper hand.

"Stop!" he growled at the SunClan traitor. "There's a cat trapped in the flames with her kits! We need to get her out!"

"You just need to pay with a few good claw wounds on your pelt and to run off with your tail between your legs Seekerpaw!" Foxtail spat back. "Leave her to us!"

Snarling, the ginger tom tried to sink his teeth into Truthseeker's throat, only to have the RainClan deputy catch him hard in the gut with his hind paws and throw him off. 


He turned to see Dreamstar holding down Sootbreeze while Rattooth backed away, lapping at the bleeding clawmarks on his sides.

"The Queen! Quickly!"


Whipping around to face the flaming den he leapt in as the bush began to cave, ignoring the hungry orange element all around him. The inside was a mess of smoke, flaming debris and embers. 

A kit stumbled towards him, mewling pitifully. Another lay behind him, a silver tom kit who was so perfectly still that Truthseeker knew he was dead. And behind that he caught glimpses of a silver queen and another black and ginger kit hidden in the thickest area of smoke, huddled together. 

"Get up!" he ordered. "Get up and follow me!"

But they didn't move, they crouched there still wailing for help. 

Above the ceiling began to fall, and Truthseeker knew there was no more time left. Snatching up the other kit by it's scruff, he charged through the flames and out into the open. Less than a heartbeat later the whole bush collapsed with a whoosh of sparks, and the kit's mother and litter mates were buried beneath a flaming mass of brambles.

A howl reached his ears from inside, but he knew it was too late to save them.

The fighting had stopped, and he noticed with relief that his brothers had driven StrongClan off. But not at a loss, all of them had suffered claw wounds and the rescued kit had paid his survival with the cost of losing his family.

"You alright?" he asked, dropping the black and ginger kit a short distance from the fire. 

Shakily, the kit stood up and nodded. Then he turned to look at the home and family he had lost.

"What's your name?" Dreamstar asked, coming to crouch beside him. 

"B-Bad. It's a weird name."

The sandy tom managed an amused purr. 

"A weird name is nothing to judge. I used to be called Dreamchaser. And your name will be something great one day."

"It will?" the kit sniffed, already brightening at Dreamstar's praise.

The RainClan leader nodded.

"Come with us Badkit, we have somewhere for you. And don't worry about your family, they'll go join StarClan and watch over you with our families."

"StarClan? Where's StarClan? Why would they go there?"

"They're going there," Saptail answered, "because your one of us. Welcome to RainClan Badkit, we'll make your family proud." 

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