Chapter 19

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The stares of the other cats mocked him. Tussockflame knew. The warriors of RainClan knew they had beaten them. And they knew what came next. 

"Dreamstar I am here to negotiate a surrender," Sootstar said, dipping his head in a gesture of submission. "In return for relinquishing the land we will be welcomed back into your clans and serve you and Gracestar once again."


Tussockflame bristled. Dreamstar sounded so, uninterested, so unworried about letting them back into his clan! He didn't care!

"I'd say we fought well," he began, only for Dreamstar to cut him off.

"You could say that."

"Dreamstar don't say that to us. We fought incredibly," he insisted, trying to hold his temper.

"You fought incredibly well," Dreamstar agreed. "We just fought a little bit better."

That was it. 

"Dreamchaser! You're nothing but a- Oh yeah you know what?"

There was no stopping the flow of furious words from his mouth. He knew he couldn't hold in his hate any more. 

"Why don't we fight right now Dreamchaser? Why don't we fight right now? Why don't we one versus one?"

"Tommy!" Sootstar spat. "Tommy calm! Your passion will get you nowhere!"

"Come one you self-obsessed-" 

He cut off, suddenly realizing what he'd done. And he knew there was no backing down now. 

"One fight. You versus me," he insisted, ignoring the shock on his leaders face. "For the territory."

The sandy tom's eyes glinted with interest. But Sootstar was not ready to let it go. 

"Tommy don't do this," he begged. "This isn't worth it."

"I've got to Sootstar," Tussockflame sighed. "Look at me. For our clan, and our survival."

The brown tom closed his eyes. Tommy could almost imagine the thoughts going through his mind. But he nodded. 

"Tussockflame does not speak for me Dreamstar. But if this is something you're willing to do and something Tussockflame's willing to do then I will let it happen."

"If you win, you can stay as a Clan. You can keep the territory you have claimed provided we are allowed access to gather herbs and bedding, but hunting rights will solely be yours," Dreamstar said. "But if you lose, you give us back the territory and your clan will no longer be. And you will apologize to Evilslayer for killing his family and accept a punishment of his choosing to make up for it."

He glanced briefly at the tom who had been rescued from the flames. Evilslayer's eyes were narrowed and he had a wicked grin on his muzzle. Clearly he expected the best outcome for him and a chance to hurt those he believed had hurt him. 

The ideas of what the RainClan warrior could do to them if he lost sent shivers up his spine. Evilslayer, blinding them and leaving them to wander aimlessly  to their deaths. Evilslayer, ripping open their throats and leaving them to bleed to death. Evilslayer-

He shook out his fur, ridding the bad thoughts from his mind. None of those would happen, he would not lose.


"The Sacred Pool, sundown tomorrow," Dreamstar said. "Be there and we will settle this once and for all."

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