Chapter 7

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The stealth mission was going great. Shallowpool had made it to the camp, and he was safely concealed in a thick patch of scrub. Able to hear, but unfortunately not see, the conversation about to go down.

That's when it went down hill.

In just a few heartbeats after entering the camp, all he could hear was Shallowpool shrieking. 

"Help! Help! HELP!"

And he had no choice but to rescue the calico. 

Which, admittedly, might not have been the smartest move.

No sooner had he thrown himself at the nearest member of RainClan before he felt two extra sets of claws drag him off and into a crevice in the rocks that Shallowpool was already in. It was his old den, now empty of every scrap of bedding he'd once used. 

The entrance was blocked by the three toms, all of them with bared teeth and hate in their eyes.

"How dare you?" Dreamstar snarled. "You cut yourselves off and take our land as your own, refusing to let anyone else in and you still think you can roam freely over the rest of the hills? Let alone waltz into our camp and talk to us about our rights? This is our home! And how we live will not change because of five fluff-brained toms who want things they don't deserve! You cannot, and will not, talk your way out of this! You either give up our land, or we take it and drive you from these hills forever!"

He left the entrance with Truthseeker, but Saptail remained behind to guard, knowing perfectly well that the two of them wouldn't be able to fight their way out. 

"What do we do?" Shallowpool whispered as quietly as he could. 

"Uh. . .Play dead," Tussockflame suggested, and they flopped on the ground.

  Minutes later there was a furious yowl. Dreamstar, no Dreamchaser's, yowl. And a single command split the air. 


On command he and Shallowpool charged at Saptail, pushing past him and out into the rest of camp.

Dreamchaser and Sootstar were fighting at the entrance, tooth and claw.

"I said run!" the brown tom ordered, raking Dreamchaser's belly with his hind-claws.

"Go go go!" Tussockflame yowled, shoving the scarred calico ahead of him and out of the camp. Soostar at their heels.

 "And don't come back!" Saptail yowled after them.

Halting at the edge of their territory, Sootstar turned to face them. 

"Tommy," he said, his voice filled with disappointment. "You should have came back to get help. If I hadn't come after you both you would have been at the mercy of those three toms."

"I'm sorry Sootstar," he apologised. "I didn't think."

"What are we going to do now?" Shallowpool almost wailed. "They want war!"

"Then they will get it," the leader of StrongClan promised, his eyes narrowing. "Tomorrow night we will take the fight to them."

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