Chapter 9

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Upon charging into RainClan's camp, ready to claw the toms who had stolen from them, Tussockflame was disappointed to find it empty. 

"Cast about for a scent," Sootstar ordered. "We will find them."

"Cowards probably knew we were coming and made themselves scarce," muttered Rattooth.

"Over here," Shallowpool called, beckoning them to the edge of the rocks. 

It didn't take long for them to pinpoint the direction of the scent trail, soon they were racing across the almost bare stretches slopes. Until they came across a terrifying sight. 

One of the farthest hills any of the Clans had ever gone to was ablaze, caused by a lighting strike from the storm. Dark grey smoke rose into the already cloud filled night sky, the bottoms of them lit with a harsh orange glow. 

A flash of lightning dazzled them for a brief heartbeat, turning everything except the flames black and white. And outlining the three cats who stood just in front of the fire.

"There they are!" he shouted, lashing his tail in anticipation. 

"What are they doing?" Foxtail asked.

As if to answer his question they heard a wail of distress, barely audible above the thunder and the roaring fire. 

"Help! My kits! Help!"

"They've trapped a cat in there!" exclaimed Shallowpool.

"No they haven't mousebrain!" Tussockflame spat. "There's a Queen in there with kits. They will have come to check the fire and there just so happens to be another cat trapped in there. They've probably going to rescue her."

"We won't let them," declared Sootstar. "Once we drive of these thieves we will rescue the Queen and her kits."

Tussockflame wasn't the only one confused, and Sootstar knew.

"If Dreamstar and his friends save her she will be grateful and may even join their clan. We cannot allow that, as it will make them even more determined not to come and unite the clans," he explained. "But if we save her, she may join StrongClan and RainClan will still be at a vulnerable number."

"Oh. Now I get it," Shallowpool said as the rest of them nodded. 

"Good. Now then. Let us show them the wrath of StrongClan!"

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