Chapter 22

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Sootstar opened his eyes and lifted his head from the pool, now an official clan leader. He now had nine lives to live and he would use them to help his warriors, and the other clans who would one day realize where their future lay, to lead them. 

"Sootstar! Sootstar! Sootstar!" the warriors of all three clans chanted. 

"Feels amazing doesn't it," Dreamstar chuckled, giving his a friendly nudge on the shoulder, their rivalry from the war forgotten. "Welcome to the life."

Beckoning him with his tail, they joined Gracestar up on the rock. He looked out of the gathered warriors, and spoke. 

"I gaze upon you all, united to celebrate a great moment in the history of our clans, now as the first leader of StrongClan. And under the gazes of our ancestors that will surely approve of my choice, I name Tussockflame the official deputy of StrongClan."

"Tussockflame! Tussockflame! Tussockflame!"

"And finally I must say. . ."

He let out a great yowl of victory. His warriors joined in and their voices swelled into one great caterwaul. 

"Suck it you green eyed fool!"

Dreamstar laughed at this, along with most of the other cats.

"That was noble! Very noble!" called Tussockflame. 

"Well. We best be off," the sandy RainClan leader sighed. "Until next time Sootstar."

Then he leapt down and padded away with his warriors. Sunstar nodded farewell and left too. He spotted Rattooth among the warriors that followed her, and he hoped they wouldn't have to meet on the wrong side of a fight again. 

"Sootstar, what about your plan?" asked Tussockflame as they marched home. "How are we supposed to unite the clans now when we just negotiated peace and safety for ourselves?"

"Patience Tommy," he answered cheerfully. "We have plenty of time. The other clans will reach the truth one day. We will be one clan eventually. But for now, let us enjoy our victory from this war."

As they entered the camp, they found a cat waiting for them. A tan coloured tom with one red eye and one blue one. 

"Hi there," he greeted. "Sorry for trespassing on your land but I wanted to see you."

"That's alright," he answered. "Might you tell us your name?"

"I'm Thunder," the tom introduced. "I came here looking to join a clan of some sorts."

Sootstar looked at his warriors, they all had pleased expressions. 

"Then welcome, Thunderpaw, to your new clan. My name is Sootstar and this is my deputy Tussockflame. And we, are StrongClan."

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