Part 20

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Draco Malfoy
I couldn't take my eyes off of her as she walked down those steps. Neither could anyone else who was stood outside the hall.
She looked like royalty, Slytherin royalty.
Time seemed to go in slow motion as I just watched her.
I refused to look away.
The only time I looked away from her was when Potter held out his hand to help her down the law few steps.
I turned back to the other boys who also seemed to be fixated.
"She looks amazing doesn't she?" Blaise said from beside me and I nodded.
"Pity those Gryffindors ruin her image." I sighed and I heard Blaise scoff.
"For this one night you have a chance to move to the next level with Kit if you don't fuck up. Don't be rude. For one evening." He said and I was taken back by his frankness.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just don't be rude and you could get some action." He grinned and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"I don't want action. It's not like that." I said and he shrugged.
"Fine then. Just don't be rude." He said before he and the others walked away.

I pulled on my suit jacket before making my way over to her, and for the first time, that I can remember, I felt nervous.
I didn't really know what to say but I couldn't show her I was nervous. So I pulled a grin onto my face and spoke.
"Hello Katerina."
She spun on her heel and faced me. Immediately my eyes flickered to her lips and then to the silver around her eyes.
"Like it?" She smirked back.
"Very Slytherin royalty."
"Do you like it?" She asked and I pushed a small smile on my face.
"Yes. I think you look very nice."
"Wow. Thanks." She scoffed and her eyes rolled.
"Fine, you're beautiful. Now, am I going to get a dance out of you or will I have to beg?" I said and she bit her bottom lip.
"Begging might be nice. But, what about the whole secrecy thing?"
"It's a dance. Everyone's dancing."

I was conflicted as to whether I should hold her hand as we walked into the hall, but I decided against it and shoved my hands in my pockets, feeling the gift I had bought for Kit.
As we got onto the dance floor I felt eyes on us but shrugged it off, making myself focus on Kit.
"I don't know how to dance. I didn't pay attention in those classes." Kit sighed and I smiled as I held one of her hands in mine.
"Then we'll improvise." I whispered and wrapped an arm around her waist as she put her hand on the back of my neck, sending a small chill down my spine.
I knew I had to apologise to her, even though I thought I had already done too much apologising to her.
"Look Kit, I'm sorry for what happened in the courtyard. I shouldn't have been so, so forceful and, demanding. So, I'm sorry." I sighed.
"What was that?" She grinned.
"You heard me King."
"Thank you. I appreciate the apology." She sighed before resting her head on my chest as we both swayed lightly to whatever music they had playing.

I sighed and gently placed a kiss to her head.
I don't know why I did but I felt close to her. I wanted her. To hell with Father's task. I had already tried to get information but she didn't know anything. And I couldn't say that I didn't have feelings for her. I didn't want to hide my feelings anymore. I sighed and smiled as I could finally admit to myself, and hopefully to her, that I liked her.
"Kit." I said simply and she looked up, her hazel eyes gleaming in the white lights.
I quickly pressed my lips to hers, cupping her face with one hand, and holding her close to me with the arm that was around her waist. I felt relieved as I felt her smile against my lips and as her fingers played with the hair on the back of my neck.
"I, Erm, I guess it's not a secret anymore." She laughed and I smiled.
Though I knew Father wouldn't be happy, I had to think about my own happiness, and that started with Kit.

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