Part 41

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Kit King
Christmas had been and gone quickly.
But the talk of the whole school was Katie Bell.
And ever since her 'accident' I had noticed that Draco had been more and more scarce.
I never saw him.
But when I did see him he looked awful, like he would just pass out at any moment.
Any time I tried to talk to him he would walk the other way or just ignore me.
It made me extremely frustrated and I could have hexed him for it. But I didn't.

I sat at the Slytherin table with Blaise but kept a close eye on the doors and Harry.
Harry had been obsessed with the idea that Draco had hexed Katie Bell.
It made me worried about what Harry would do to Draco.
I had tried to tell Harry that he was wrong but he wouldn't listen.
I was brought back out of my daydream, by Draco walking into the Great Hall looking nervous and disheveled.
I immediately started to rise out of my seat as Harry and Draco saw one another. Draco pulled at his tie and walked back out again followed by Harry.
I was hot on their heels and followed them to the unused bathroom.

It broke my heart when I heard Draco cry and I didn't hesitate to walk right in.
"Katerina get out." Draco said as he held his wand up at Harry with a shaking hand. Harry also held out his wand but I didn't care.
I walked over to stand next to Draco.
"This is ridiculous! Both of you!" I yelled.
"We all know what you did Malfoy." Harry said and Draco's hand shook more.
"Kit get out." Draco said harsher.
"I'm not leaving. Both of you will kill each other."
"Fine." Draco spat before pushing me away.
I slipped and fell to the floor, just as the two started duelling with each other.
I pulled my knees up to my chest and covered my ears as debris started flying everywhere.
I hated it just being there on the floor.
But I knew that if I joined in, it would only make it worse.
I looked up and a bit of the flying debris hit my cheek making me wince as I could feel the blood immediately drip down my face.
But I didn't worry about my cheek for long.

Harry yelled out a spell that I had never heard of before. I was quite good at charms and took pride in that, so I was confused when I didn't recognise the spell.
As soon as he said it I had almost forgotten what it was. But what I would never forget, was the spells aftermath and the scene unfolding before me.
Draco collapsed onto the floor and I looked at him wide eyed as he started to gasp for breath and whimper.
My heart thumped out of my chest.
I shakily crawled over to him.
My eyes widened and my hands shook as I realised multiple gashes appeared on his skin.
"D-Draco?" I said, but his breathing just became more and more ragged.
I quickly jumped into action and ripped open his shirt, feeling slightly sick at the sight of the the gashed all over his torso.
I took off my robe and tried with all my might to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.
I couldn't stop the sobs from coming out of me as I realised I wasn't stopping the bleeding and he was becoming more and more pale.
"Kit, I didn't realise-"
"Why are you here?! Leave! Get away from him!" I yelled just as Snape came floating into the room. "Please. Please help. I-I couldn't think of any charms or spells to help." I sobbed.
"Potter get out. Katerina step aside." He said and I crawled away back into the corner.

I watched as Snape muttered some sort of charm and the blood ran back into Draco.
I couldn't stop my blood covered hands from shaking and I pulled my knees up to my chest.
I looked in a shard of glass and saw blood still dripping down my face.
I wiped it off of my face not caring anymore about the pain.
"Come." Snape said as he picked Draco up.
I nodded and trailed behind him to the hospital wing.

Draco was immediately tended to and I stood in the doorway.
As soon as Snape had put Draco down he walked over to where I was stood.
"There's Nothing you could have done." He said, his voice surprisingly soft.
"I-I just forgot every healing charm."
"This couldn't have been healed by a simple healing charm. How Potter came to know the spell is curious. It's a horrible spell. A complex spell not to be used lightly." He explained and I nodded.
"Is he going to be ok?" I whispered.
"He'll recover. But he'll also need taking care of."
"I'll do it."
"I realise. Your parents miss you." He said and I shook my head.
"No they don't. Besides it's probably because of them he's even in this mess. It is. Isn't it?"
"Not entirely. It was a, shall we say, collaboration." He sighed.
"He's going to be killed."
Snape grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner.
"You are not to repeat this. Draco has a task to complete. He has to complete it or yes, he will be killed. As will his family. But I have made the unbreakable vow to protect him."
"S-so you die if the vow isn't kept."
"Precisely. I, of course, do not ask you to make any such vow. But you're a gifted witch in charms and the skill of charms is what he needs. He's not progressing as well as I would hope. I ask that you help him." Snape asked.
"Will I be in danger?"
"No. They'll never know as long as you keep yourself out of trouble. You are not to get involved. You are just to help him with the charms. Now, go and get your face stitched." Snape said and I nodded before walking away from him and back to Draco's side.

Looking at him like that, in pain and almost dead, tugged at my heart and I let the tears fall as I took hold of his hand and kissed his cheek.
"I'm here. I'm always here."

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