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It was a Friday evening and you were sitting at your desk waiting for the clock to hit 5:00 P.M. so you could finally be done with this week. You were ready to spend time with your friends and forget about work for the weekend.

5:00 P.M. finally strikes and you jump out of your chair, grab your stuff and head out the door. As you walk out of your office you're greeted by your best friends Katie and Lindsay.

"Y/N!" Katie calls.

"Hey girls!" You call back.

"Soooo, it's a Friday evening and this week has been too fucking long and I'm thinking us 3 go out tonight to that bar that has amazing drink prices, good food, music, and good looking men to wash away this week, what do you guys think" says Lindsay.

"Oh hell yes!" Katie quickly replies "Y/N what about's been forever since you've gone out and it would do you some good. Might help you forget that douchebag!"

She was referring to your cheating exboyfriend who you broke up with about a month ago after finding him with another girl in your bed at your apartment you shared.

"Ugh....I don't know guys...this week has been so long and I-"

"I'm tired" they both mocked you.

"Come on y/n," Lindsay said "just come out with us for an hour! Go home put on a cute dress that hugs that gorgeous body, do your makeup and hair, and come out for at least an hour for a drink and some food. If you're not having fun you can leave."

You looked at your two friends who were making puppy dog faces at you begging you to come with them.

"Fine," you sighed "an HOUR. If nothing juicy has happened after an hour I'm leaving so I can go to bed. It's been a long week."

"YAY!" Both of your friends yelled.

"Okay, go home and get ready. I will pick you up at 7:30ish?" said Lindsay.

"7:30 sounds perfect." You say.

The 3 of you say your goodbyes and head home.

You finally reach your apartment building and jump out of your car to head up to your apartment.

You walk in throwing your bags down and immediately walking to your bedroom flopping on your bed and letting out a loud sigh.

You lay there for a while and fall asleep. You wake up and look at the clock 6:15 P.M.

"Fuck" you mumbled.

You jump up and run into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After you shower you get out and walk over to your closet. You need something to wear. You sit and debate if you should dress in something casual or if you should dress up.

You think back to earlier to what Lindsay said "put on a dress that hugs that gorgeous body"  you laugh to your self and think it wouldn't hurt to look hot for the first time in months.

You look through your closet and you spot a tiny black dress. When you see it you know it's the one. It's nothing too fancy but you know it hugs your body in all the right places showing off your curves. You pull the dress out and hang it up while you put your makeup on. You sit down at your vanity looking in the mirror trying to decide how to do your makeup. After a while you decide to do a very subtle eye look and a bold red lip. You dry your hair and decide to curl it.

After you're done your makeup you look at the clock 7:00 P.M. Lindsay will be here in 30 minutes. Time to put on the dress.

You slide into the dress and look in the mirror....WOW. You haven't looked this good in a while and surprised yourself. The dress hugged you just right and showed off a little cleavage.

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