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7am and your alarm is going off. You wake up turning the alarm off quickly so you don't wake your friends. You get up quietly and gather your stuff, give your friends hugs while they slept, and headed home. You weren't sure what time Spencer would be home but you wanted to be ready. You get to your apartment and run inside to take a shower. While in the shower you hear your phone ding. You quickly finish up and jump out to see who texted you. It was Spencer.

"I just landed in Virginia. I'll be there in an hour I just have some paperwork I need to finish. Can't wait to see you beautiful"

"Sounds good :)" you replied.

You continued getting ready. You remembered your conversation with the girls last night about sex and decided to wear a cute matching purple lace underwear and bra set just in case it got to that point, which you hoped it did. You settled on comfy leggings and a big sweater since the weather finally cooled down and fall was rushing in. You threw your hair up and did little makeup. You grabbed a big t shirt and some shorts to sleep in and grabbed everything you'd need for the next day since you were staying with Spencer. You checked the clock and it was 8:45, he should be here in the next few minutes so you laid on your bed scrolling through social media. 10 minutes later you hear a knock. He's here. You rush to the door and open it. There he is. You felt like you hadn't seen him in forever. Messy curly hair and perfect face was still the same. You smiled at him and threw your arms around him.

He picked you up and spun you around before setting you back down. He laughed and said..

"It's good to see you too. I missed you." He smiled at you "you ready to go? Got everything?" You nodded and he grabbed your bag and then your hand. You stepped out side into the crispy fall air and you cuddled up next to him and said

"Ahh fall. My favorite time of the year. Perfect for cuddling and watching scary movies" you winked at him.

"No way! You love fall too? Looks like we'll have to have a date where we decorate our apartments for fall and Halloween together while we watch scary movies" he smiled.

Sounded like a damn dream to you. You walked to his car and he opened the door for you and then quickly went to the drivers side and climb in next to you.

"I'm feeling Frankies. Is that okay with you? The coffee in Texas was horrible." He said laying his hand in your lap as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Frankies sounds great" you smiled.

Frankies quickly became your go to breakfast date spot since you both loved their coffee so much. As he drove to Frankies you talked about how the week went away from each other and the entire time he had his hand resting on your leg and every so often rubbing his thumb against you thigh. It turned you on each fucking time and you could barely control yourself. It took every bone in you not to freak out and jump on him. You knew in that moment you couldn't wait another day. It had to happen tonight.

You pulled into Frankies and jumped out of the car. You were starving and needed coffee just as much as Spencer. He waited for you at the front of the car holding out his hand which you grabbed and he pulled you close to him. You went into to Frankies and had a nice little breakfast date and catching up with each other. After breakfast Spencer asked if you could stop by his favorite book store that was a short walk from Frankies because he needed something new to read. This genius needs more to read? But you agreed to go any way. He grabbed your hand pulling you close again as you started to walk toward the store.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now