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DISCLAIMER: this chapter does include sexual content so if you're uncomfortable with that please don't read!


It's now Tuesday and Spencer has been gone since Saturday. You're missing him so much. You've talked a little off and on the last few days and he told you about what happened with Morgan. You weren't upset by it because you were totally ready to meet his team who he always referred to as his family and if they meant that much to him you wanted to meet them, but Spencer was hesitant because like he told you, you might be in some kind of danger the minute people find out. You of course respected that and didn't push to meet them.

You finished up work and left for your apartment. You hadn't heard from Spencer all day, but it didn't really worry you since it was normal now. You knew he was busy catching bad guys. You drove home ready to just relax...maybe take a bath or something. You finally reached your apartment and opened the door. You were caught off guard when you walked in. There were rose petals on the floor and candles lit everywhere. You were totally confused and thought your friends were playing a joke on you. You followed the rose petals which led to your bedroom. You slowly opened the door

"Ha ha girls very fun- SPENCER?" You jumped "what the hell are you doing here? How'd you get in? What?!" You said jumping into his arms

"Hello to you too" he laughed "I wanted to surprise I had Morgan figure out how to secretly get Garcia to get Lindsays number. I called her and told her my plan last night. She dropped the key off at my apartment early this morning."

You'd given each of your friends a key to your apartment for emergencies.

"You're the sweetest! I missed you!" You leaned up to kiss him "but you didn't have to go all out like this." You said motioning to the probably hundreds of rose petals

"Oh yes I did because this is more than just a surprise" he smirked "I told you on the phone the other day you'd regret laughing at me and calling me pretty boy"

"Ohhh Spencer Reid...what are you gonna do punish me?"  you said giving him a look

He smirked at you for a minute before finally picking you up and throwing you on your bed

"Yes I'm going to punish you" he said towering over top of you. You were so shocked you gasped but you were so turned on. He fell down softly on top of you kissing you. He started to run his hands down your body

"Baby" he said pulling away looking into your eyes "I missed you...more than you could ever know" he leaned back down to kiss you and he started to reach up your shirt before he stopped he remembered you weren't totally comfortable last time so he stopped to ask first

"You want me to continue?" He asked

"Spencer Reid we haven't seen each other since Saturday and I've missed your touch so much if you don't rip these fucking clothes off of me I might scream" you said

Spencer wasted no more time. He quickly pulled your shirt off and started kissing your neck. He was biting at your neck and then softly kissing over where he bit. You moaned each time he bit at your neck. His hand moved down your body and he unbuttoned the pants you had on and you lifted your hips up signaling for him to take them off. He threw them to the floor. You unbuttoned his shirt while kissing him. Pushing it off his shoulders and throwing it to the side. He pulled you up close to his chest so he could undo your bra and you started kissing his neck which made him moan out your name

"Y/'re going to get yourself in more trouble" he said pushing you back down on the bed

"I'll take my chances Dr Reid" you smirked wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him down to you

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now