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Ten days. You've been in the hospital 10 days. The entire time Spencer never left your side and you had 2 agents out side your room at all times. The team had gone one 2 cases in the last two weeks and Spencer refused to leave even though you said you were fine. Hotch allowed it because he himself was still shaken up by your kidnapping.

You were starting to get anxious and wanted to go home. You begged Dr. Johnson every day to go home. You felt as good as you can given the circumstances. She wouldn't budge until she felt like you would be secure.

"Good morning Y/N, Dr. Reid," Dr. Johnson said walking in as she did every morning "How are we feeling today?"

"Ready to go home" you laughed

"Well, good news! Your scans and x-rays came back all clear. The psychiatrist is confident that with some therapy, for both of you, you will do just fine. It's not going to be easy and it'll be long, but you're strong" she smiled

"Soooooo, can I go home" you begged

"Yes, we're going to discharge you today" she laughed "but there's one more thing we need to do. We need to give you a pregnancy test."

"A pregnancy test?!" You about fainted

"I know it sounds crazy, but he was unprotected and there was semen found inside of you. We just want to be sure." She said

You looked at Spencer who looked like he might throw up and when he saw you looking at him he quickly changed his face

"Don't worry, it's just protocol. Better safe than sorry." He smiled

"Okay...let's do this" you sighed.

"We're going to do a blood test. Sometimes if you pee and it's too early it won't show up. We don't want to be unsure at all. We want you to go home 100% done with this and focus on mentally and physically healing." She said calling a nurse in. "Don't worry we'll rush it and you'll be out within the hour" she smiled and walked out.

The nurse prepped you and took your blood, then she left. You sat for a minute before it all caught up to you. You started to panic.

"Spence..what if I am?" You said trying to control your breathing.

Spencer saw how anxious you were getting and grabbed your hand

"Hey, hey, listen...chances are you're not, okay? But if for some reason you are, you have options." He said giving a comforting smile.

"Yeah options" you said still freaking out.

"Baby, you would not be expected to carry his child. It would just link you to him still. There's options. You could have an abortion or if that made you uncomfortable you carry the baby and then adoption. Or we keep the baby. That is your choice."

"We? We would keep the baby?" You said shocked

"What do you mean?" He laughed "of course we...I wouldn't just leave you. IF you were pregnant with his baby and IF you decided abortion and adoption weren't a choice WE would keep the baby."

"You'd do that?" You asked

"Of course" he kissed you.

You finally relaxed and waiting for the doctor. About 30 minutes later she came in. You and Spencer both took a deep breath and held each other's hands

"Okay let's see..." she said looking at the paper "Congratulations, you are NOT pregnant"

"Oh thank god" you let out and you saw Spencer's shoulders relax.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now