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Tonight is the night. Tonight you meet the team. You and Spencer had been together almost 2 months now and you hadn't met the team other than seeing them at the bar. That was all about to change and that kind of scared you. Spencer tried his best to prepare you for what was about to happen without scaring you. You were dating an FBI agent they go after the worst of the worst and sometimes the worst of the worst come after them. They aren't all inexperienced first time killers who had some sort of traumatic trigger, no, some of them were smart and they lived to kill. They researched the FBI, taunted them because they thought they were smarter. They found out everything. They know the FBI agents are strong and tough to throw off so they find their weaknesses and most of the time that's the people they love most in the world. This has already happened to Spencer so it was hard for him to do this because he didn't know if he would survive another thing like that. He told you that no matter what him and his team would do whatever it took to make sure you were safe. If they got any hint a killer was tracking them you would be protected immediately. No risks would be taken. You were excited but nervous. Not really nervous about the team liking you, more nervous about what you were about to step into.

You and Spencer agreed for you to wait for his text and come in after the entire team arrived. He wanted them to be caught off guard and meet you all at the same time rather one by one in case they arrived at different times.

You sat all day texting your friends and Spencer telling them you were nervous. They all told you it was fine and that they would love couldn't they?

The team was getting to Spencer's around 6:30 and he wanted you ready to go by the latest being 7 the earliest being 6:45.

Spencer said that it didn't have to be super fancy it was just his house. You settled on wearing some nice jeans, a tank top with a cardigan over top and some cute boots. Around 6:20 you left your apartment and reached his apartment parking far enough away where you could see everyone going in but they couldn't see you. You watched each member of the team walking in. You already knew who each was since Spencer spent the whole night before showing you pictures and telling you about each of them.

Hotch was the boss and he was a serious man, but he connected with Spencer a lot. Kind of like a father. Rossi was just great all around. He was welcoming and Italian. Spencer said that over and over...he's Italian. Derek was a ladies man. Spencer warned you he would probably flirt with you (in a joking way) trying to get you to go with him instead of Spencer. Emily was funny and caring. She was also a badass Spencer explained. JJ is Spencer's best friend. She's smart and caring. Also a badass. And last but certainly not least was Penelope. She was bubbly and loving. A big hugger he warned you.

You felt that was a good basic ground to have down and then you'd feel them out over time.

At 6:45 Spencer sent you a text

"They're all here. Ready to do this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be"

"They'll love you baby...who couldn't love you. Come on up. Knock when you're ready and I'll come get you. I love you, okay? Everything will be fine."

You took a deep breath and walked up to his apartment. You stood outside for a minute and listened. They were all talking and laughing. You took another deep breath and knocked on the door. You heard the room fall silent.

"Spence, is someone else coming? You didn't tell us that?" You heard

"Okay everyone I need you to stand here and just wait. There is a very special guest just outside the door. Someone who has been literally almost dying to meet all of you"

You heard some whispering and then heard Spencer walk to the door. The door slowly opened and he smiled. You couldn't see in and no one saw out

"Ready?" He extended his hand to you and you nodded grabbing his hand. You walked in and stood behind him.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now