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Switching POV!!

It's 2 days after Thanksgiving and you wake up to Spencer trying to be quiet while getting dressed, but he isn't doing the best job.

"Spence?" you said in a sleepy voice seeing it's 8am.

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you baby." He said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you up so early? Do you have a case?" You asked.

"No, no case, but I'm going shopping with Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan." He said

"Shopping?" You laughed.

"Christmas shopping." He laughed back at you.

"Well, can I come? I'll get ready now." You said.

"No!" He said quickly which shocked you "Baby, I'm going Christmas shopping for you. I want to find something nice and they're going to help me. We will go another day for everyone else." He smiled.

"Spence, you don't have to-"

"Shhh, don't even say it. Go back to sleep. I'll call you in a bit to check on you. I love you." He said as he kissed you goodbye and you heard him leave.

You had no idea what he was actually going to do. Yes, he was going shopping with the boys but not for just any Christmas present. It was THE Christmas present.

Spencer's POV

He woke up before Y/N to get ready to go ring shopping with the guys. He tried his best to be quiet but failed as she woke up. She called out his name and he apologized for waking her.

He explained he was going shopping for Christmas with the guys and she tried to come, but he quickly stopped her telling her he was shopping for her.

Spencer left quickly after that to avoid anymore questions.

He drove to the mall where he met Hotch, Rossi, and Morgan.

"Ready kid?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah I'm ready. You got the picture?" Spencer asked.

Morgan nodded.

"JJ sent it to me last night. Here look." He said showing the Spencer, Hotch and Rossi.

On thanksgiving the boys talked the girls into making Y/N describe her perfect ring and get a good idea for them so they could find something.

"Wow, it's so-" Rossi started.

"So Y/N" Spencer cut him off. "Okay, lets go find my girl her perfect ring."

They all walked into the mall and to the Zales that was in the middle of the mall.

"Hello! Welcome to Zales! I'm Casey. How can I help you?" A cheerful woman said.

"I am looking for an engagement ring." Spencer said.

"Oooh! Okay do you have an idea?" She asked.

"Yeah, here's a picture." Spencer said showing her the phone.

"Oh wow! That's beautiful! This might sound weird but trust you have a picture of your girlfriend? I like to see who's going to be wearing it so I can get the perfect one for her!" She said.

Spencer showed her a picture of Y/N and her jaw dropped.

"She's absolutely gorgeous. You're a lucky man." She smiled.

"I know I am." He smiled back.

"That ring will fit her perfectly! Let's see what we've got, shall we?" She said and led the boys to a counter space that was clear.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now