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It's been a month since your kidnapping and 2 weeks since court. Things have been hard since you were healing from everything. Your bruises were almost completely gone by now but mentally and emotionally you were scarred.

Spencer made the decision to work from home or the office. He wasn't going to leave you just yet. If he worked from home he used the living room to set up things and work things out. If he went to the BAU he made you come with him and you sat watching him work. At times he'd ask for your opinion on a case or you'd help him look through things. Were you supposed to? No. But it made you think of something other than what had happened.

You were starting to feel somewhat normal. Again the bruises were pretty much gone and that helped a lot. You didn't jump every time someone touched you which made things on you easier. You did, however, still have nightmares almost nightly. These consisted of you jumping up out of a dead sleep, gasping for air, yelling no and calling for Spencer. Sometimes it was that day in court...seeing him smirk at you and mouthing I'm going to get you. Every. Single. Night. It happened. Spencer would wake up immediately and comfort you. Some nights it was as easy as telling you he was right there and you were okay. But other nights it was rough. There was a lot of you shaking and uncontrollably crying into him for hours. Sometimes you wouldn't even go back to sleep. You'd pretend so Spencer got some sleep but the minute you knew he was asleep you'd stare at the ceiling crying quietly. Tonight was one of those nights.

You woke up at 2am screaming and crying because you had a nightmare. You were dreaming of hanging from that rope and him hitting you repeatedly. You saw every swing in slow motion, felt as he connected with your skin, and felt your ribs break. It caused you to jump up screaming. Spencer sat up immediately and turned on the light

"Y/N, hey, calm down. It wasn't real, it was just a nightmare. Breathe baby breathe. It's Spencer, just me." He comforted you while holding you. "Shhhh, you're okay"

You sat there and sobbed into him and he just held you. Once you calmed down enough he pulled away and wiped your tears. You just stared at him because his face made it better. It pushed Josh's face out and made you settle down.

"You okay?" He whispered

You shrugged and fell back into him crying.

"Baby, I am so fucking sorry. I wish I could make it stop. Maybe we should talk to the therapist about something to help you sleep better." He suggest and you laughed.

"Yeah, the therapist." You said

You hated her. She made you feel like it was your fault. When Spencer was around for your sessions which were also for him she made it his fault. Telling him that he worked way too much and should've been here. She told you if you were getting roses left at you door that weren't from your boyfriend you should've called police, or ya know the FBI since your boyfriend was one. She would also tell you, you were basically dumb for walking into your apartment when you noticed it was unlocked. She was a bitch.

"I know baby" he sighed "She's horrible. I'll tell you what, I'll call Dr. Johnson tomorrow and call Hotch and see if maybe one of the therapists that work for the FBI can help you. They're trained to help agents who've been kidnapped and you know.." he paused referring to your rape "They can help." He said

"Spence I'm not in the FBI they're not going to help me." You cried

"Between a doctors referral and Hotch pulling some strings we can get someone. Especially when we tell them what she's been saying to you, because this isn't your fault. There's nothing that could've prevented that."

"I should've walked away and called 911 when I saw the door was unlocked...I just I thought maybe it was you in there. Maybe the second rose was a joke and you'd come home early or something." You cried

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now