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You stood looking in the mirror at all the bruises that were slowly fading on your body.

"You okay?" Spencer said walking up behind you.

"I guess" you sighed

"He cannot hurt you Y/N. He will be cuffed to a table with officers around him and you will have agents surrounding you. If he tries anything we will escort you out immediately. We're all right there." He reassured you.

It was court day. Today, you and everyone else involved were going to court to testify. This meant he would be there. He'd get to see you and what he did.

"Remember, try not to show you're scared. Crying because of what happened is fine, but showing fear will only fuel him. Try to speak slow and steady so your voice doesn't shake." Spencer told you.

"Spence" you whispered

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm not scared, I'm terrified." You began to cry

"I know baby, I know" he said wrapping his arms around you "but you're safe. I'll be right in front of you and you'll have agents with in reaching distance. The whole team is right there. Even if he could get free and come after you, he still wouldn't make it far before I put bullet in him. You're fine, okay?"

You nodded and looked back in the mirror. The lawyers told you to wear something like a dress that showed your arms and legs and left your neck exposed enough to see the hand prints on your neck. You felt a little uncomfortable but you knew it was so the jury could physically see your injuries.

It was finally time to go. Spencer and you walked to the car and got in. The entire way there you felt like you were going to throw up. Spencer lightly rested his hand on your thigh to comfort you. You finally pulled in and the minute you did there was a whole lot of people.

"Damnit" Spencer said

"W-who are all these people?" You asked

"Media." He said sighing

"Like the news? Spence why are they here? I'm no one to them and Josh is no one" you said confused

"You're dating an FBI agent and the FBI's genius boy. When they got word that the team was saving you and who you were they went into a frenzy"

"How do we get in there?" You asked

He was already on the phone

"Hotch, I need an escort to get in...multiple" he said and hung up.

Within seconds the entire team came walking through the doors of the court looked like a badass scene from a movie. They were followed by 4 security guards who pushed the media people back creating a path for you to walk. Spencer jumped out as the team reached the car and came to your side. Spencer opened the door but you hesitated

"Come on baby you're fine. I promise. They're not even going to see you." He smiled

You still hesitated and Morgan moved into sight

"Hey pretty girl, look at me, they're not going to see you or touch you. They'll just scream at you for questions and mainly they'll scream at Reid. We're going to form a wall around you so no one can see. You're safe, I promise, I got you." He smiled and extended his hand and you took it.

As you stepped out the entire team just looked at you and your bruises with tears filling their eyes.

"Agents," Hotch finally said "Let's go. Get around her. No one sees her or touches her that isn't one of us." He then looked at you "You're safe."

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