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After walking out of the bar Lindsay drives you home and you stumble up to your apartment. You walk in and go straight to bed because you're exhausted.

As you lay in your bed falling asleep you think about your night and hope you wake up to a text from Spencer.


*ding* *ding* You hear you phone go off as you struggle to wake up.

You sit up and look at the clock 5:45 A.M.

"Who the hell is texting me this early? It can wait" you mumble to yourself as you drift back asleep.

A few hours go by and you wake up to a knock at your door. You roll out of bed and drag yourself to the door. As you open the door Lindsay and Katie bust through.

"Good morning sleepy" laughed Katie

"What the hell are you guys doing here? It's only 8:30. Last night was rough on me. I need my sleep" you said annoyed.

Both of your friends laughed while rolling their eyes and Lindsay hands you a coffee and a muffin they picked up on the way over.

"Soooo...did the hottie text you" Lindsay asked.

Suddenly you remembered you phone had dinged this morning and your eyes widened.

"OH MY GOSH" you yelled "someone texted me super early this morning. I never checked"

"What are you waiting on?!?" They both yelled

You ran to your bedroom and struggled to find your phone. After a minute you see it on the ground and pick it up.

You took a deep breath and turned it on. The screen read: * 2 new messages from unknown *

Your heart skipped a beat and you read the screen out loud to your friends as you walked back to the living room.

"Open it!!" Katie said clapping her hands

You did as she said and opened your phone clicking on the messages which read:

"Hey Y/N. It's Spencer from last night!" And the second message said "I hope you're feeling better this morning...I wanted to check in :)"

Your face began to feel warm and you had butterflies.

"Hey! What does it say?! Don't leave us hanging!" Said Lindsay

You read the messages to your friends who were so excited for you.

"Uh do I respond to this? Do I respond now or leave him waiting for a big longer?" you asked.

"NOW!" They both said

You smiled and opened the texts again and said:

"Hey Spencer! I'm glad you texted me...I'm feeling a bit better. Thanks again for stepping in and helping :)" you hesitated before hitting send.

" sent. Now we wait" you said sitting next to your friends.

" said he texted you super early? Like how early?" Asked Lindsay

"Um 5:45...why?" You asked

"Who the hell wakes up that early and on a Saturday?" Lindsay said.

"Maybe his job?" Katie added.

Before you could answer your phone dinged and you all stared at each other. You looked and sure enough it was him.

You opened the message that read:
"Don't mention it...just glad you're feeling better. Besides you can repay me by letting me take you out...if you're okay with that?"

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now