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You've been sitting on the couch waiting for your friends to arrive just replaying the entire night in your head.

All of a sudden you hear loud knocks on your door. FINALLY THEYRE HERE.

You rush over and open the door seeing your two friends standing there smiling with 2 bottles of wine and snacks.

"We are so ready for every detail!" Smirked Katie.

They come in and sit on the couch while you grab the wine glasses. You walk over to them and open the bottle pouring wine into the glasses.

"Okay...stop making us wait...SPILL." Said Lindsay sipping her wine.

"Oh where do I even begin?" you started. "We went to Frankies and had coffee because we both LOVE their coffee. And then he asked if I was originally from here and I told him yes. I asked about him and he said he's from Vegas"

"VEGAS?" Lindsay interrupts "what the fuck is he here for?"

"Oh y'all just takes a turn" you said with a shocked face "I asked him the same thing to which he replied his job. Now before you say what's his job...I asked that and he avoided the question. I was so suspicious and was starting to feel scared. He changed the subject and asked why I stayed if I hated it so much. I told him due to personal things and stupid decisions I got stuck for now"

"Oh thank god you didn't mention fucking Josh. He would've been scared. Bringing up an ex on the first date is never good" Katie said

"So then he said that maybe those personal things and stupid decisions weren't so bad and when I gave him a confused look he said if they wouldn't have happened we wouldn't have met..."

"AW OH MY GOSH. CUTE." They both yelled

"Right?! So then it went silent and he asked if I wanted to walk to the park. The walk there was silent and my mind went blank about what you guys had told me earlier. There was one thing on my mind though...why wouldn't he tell me his job? So I asked him. I made it a joke and asked if he killed people or robbed banks to which he laughed and said no...but he was hesitant about telling me what he did. He sat me down and told me..."

"Well what is he?" Asked Katie

"A fucking FBI agent...he works for the BAU I think he said. And those people he was with at the bar were his team" you said

"shut the fuck up Y/N. You're lying" Lindsay said shocked

"Nope! The honest to god truth...BUT THEN. I asked what it was like and he said 'oooh no if you want to know more you'll have to go back out with me' I literally almost screamed. So of course I agreed because even if this goes no where...he's in the FBI..that's too interesting. So then we walked back to Frankies to get our cars and as I was getting in he grabbed my hand.." both of your friends gasped and listened intently "and hugged me telling me he had fun and was excited for our next date....and before he walked away HE KISSED MY CHEEK" you said enthusiastically

"Y/N! SHUT UP THATS SO CUTE" Lindsay yelled.

"I sat frozen for the longest time before getting in my car. He texted me when I got here saying he had fun again and I just...just wow I had fun. The first time since Josh....I felt good. It was fun."

"Awww Y/N....that's great we're glad to hear that. You deserve to be happy and have fun. Spencer sounds lovely" Katie said with a soft smile.

"Soooo...when's the next date? Think you'll get any?" Joked Lindsay

You smack her arm and give her a look and say "No I don't think I'll get any...Spencer doesn't seem like the type to jump right to sex. Besides it's been 2 months since I last had sex and I'm nervous about it....I don't mind waiting. But I don't know when the next date is or what we'll do...I hope it's soon though."

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now