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You just hung up with Y/N. The sound of her voice made you feel so happy. You fell deeper in love every time you spoke to her and you wanted to tell her so badly. You almost said it over the phone but stopped yourself because you wanted to do it in person the first time.

You had to walk back out to your team knowing Morgan had heard you call someone babe and were nervous he told everyone. You weren't sure if you were ready to tell them just yet but you sure as hell didn't want it to be in the middle of a case. You took a deep breath and walked out of the room to the team. No one said anything that related to the phone call they were just talking about the case. Morgan saw you walk out of the room and smiled at you.

"Come here kid...wanna show you something about the case" he winked

You rolled your eyes and followed him so he didn't say anything to the rest of the team.

"Morgan I don't know what you heard or think you heard but drop it" you said sternly

"Hey, hey kid calm down. Why are you being aggressive?" He laughed "who you calling babe? Is she pretty? Do I know her?"

"Morgan we are in the middle of a case" you started

"Yeah we are but you're sneaking off to make phone calls to some mystery woman, so I'm asking about her. Why won't you tell me?" He questioned you.

You sighed and looked at him.

"Out with it pretty boy."

"Promise me you won't tell the team? I will but just not here for sure and not until I know she's comfortable."

"My lips are sealed" he said making a gesture of locking his lips

"Okay" you took a deep breath "Remember a month and half ago we went to that bar with the team? And that girl that was there?" He nodded at you "Well we went for coffee the next day at Frankies and had a pretty good time. We had to leave for a case but as soon as I got back we had Chinese food at my place and ever since we've been together." You could feel yourself smiling

"You've been with this girl for almost 2 months and didn't tell me? Kid I'm hurt" Morgan said putting his hand over his heart. "Wait Reid...this is the first girl since..."

"Yeah since what happened.."

"Does she make you happy? You seem happier and it all makes sense now."

"Morgan, she makes me incredibly happy. I think" you paused "I think I'm in love with her"

"Woah kid, in love? Have you told her that?"

You shook your head.

"You have to tell her Reid."

"I know I know, I'm going to as soon as I get back."

"So...when do we get to meet her? We're your family and if you're going to be in love don't we get to meet her?"

"Soon. She's been dying to meet all of you, but I haven't known when the right time is. But soon. So please don't tell the rest of the team."

"Of course kid, your secret is safe with me. I'm happy for you just so you know."

"Thanks Morgan"

"Let's go catch this son of bitch so you can get home to your girl. I want to meet her soon so we need to get home"

You both smiled and walked back out to the team.

"Boys you okay? You were in there an awful long time...looked like a serious talk" Emily asked

"Just talking about the case Emily" Morgan said winking at you.

A/N: okay writing in Spencer's POV is a lot harder than I thought so this is short LMFAO. Back to Y/N.

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