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You wake the next morning around 7am and roll out of bed. You stumble to the kitchen and start to make yourself breakfast. You sit on the couch and turn on the TV. You eat your breakfast while watching the local news. About an hour later you decide to text Spencer since you haven't heard from...

"Hey you! I haven't heard from you this morning? You're not regretting asking me to be  your girlfriend are you?" you hit send and cleaned up from breakfast.

You continue to check your phone...yet no answer. You begin to worry but stop yourself. No Y/N he isn't regretting asking you out he's probably working. Calm down. You take some deep breaths and start your morning routine. Take a shower, get dressed, and clean up the apartment.  You just finish getting ready when you get a call. Spencer? You hoped, but no it was Lindsay.

"hey girl! We didn't hear from you last'd dinner at Spencer's go?"

"Hey! Yeah I know I'm sorry I was there kind of late and no Linds we didn't have sex, but something crazy did happen! How about we meet at Frankies in 10? I'll spill all the details!"

"Sounds great! I'll call Katie and pick her up! See you there!"

She hung up and you checked again to see if Spencer texted you. Nothing. It's already 11am and he hasn't said anything? Maybe another case and he had to leave right away? You try not to worry and grab you stuff and head to Frankies.

When you pull in you see your friends waiting on in the car. You jump out and give each a hug.

"Okay, I have some HOT tea to spill. Let's go get coffee!" You say.

They follow you into Frankies and you order coffee. You sit down and they both look at you waiting on the hot tea you mentioned.

"Okay guys...Spencer asked me to be his girlfriend last night.." you finally said

Both of them gasped at you.

"WHAT? No one it's been a week!" Katie said

"I know but we just clicked and figured if we were going to be on dates and spending time together what would it hurt? Buuuut...there is something else"

Your friends looked at you with a curious look

"What...?" They said at the same time

"Well...we got to talking and he asked about school and when I graduated...when I told him he asked how old I was, I said I was turning 24 in October and he just stared at me. Well come to find out he's 32"

Katie almost spits out her coffee

"32? What the fuck he looks 20..." Katie says

"Okay Y/N I see you get those older men" Lindsay winks

"So you guys don't think it's weird? I mean I don't of course I agreed to be his girlfriend, but you don't think it's too big of a gap?" You asked

"No! You're mature and always have been! It obviously wasn't effecting anything a few days ago when you didn't who cares?" Lindsay said.

You felt better now knowing your friends didn't think it was weird.

"So you're a girlfriend again...oooooh" Katie said "so how the first day of being a girlfriend again feel?"

"Well...I'm actually worried. I haven't heard from him at all today. It's been silent"

"Uh oh maybe he's regretting his decision" Lindsay said laughing until she saw your face "Y/N, hey no I was joking. His job is obviously unpredictable so maybe another case came in or they have a busy day doing FBI stuff" she said with a reassuring smile.

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