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You've been sitting there a while with Lindsay and Katie drinking and you're starting to feel tipsy, but you can still handle yourself.

The crowd in the bar had died down just a bit and it was only 8:30 P.M.

"It's been an hour Y/N and you haven't left.." teased Lindsay

"Yeah could it be because of the hottie across the room. There's your something juicy" joked Katie

All 3 of you laughed and because the crowd died down you and your 2 friends tipsy laughter was sort of loud.

Immediately you feel eyes on you. You feel your body go numb and hope it's him staring at you and sure enough as you turn there he is staring.

He sees you caught him and turns away quickly only to side eye you again to which you give a flirty smile and he smiles back.

"Ooooh" says Katie "is it hot in here or is it just me"

You laughed and rolled your eyes.

"Okay ladies, we have had some drinks and the crowd has died down a bit, hottie over there is definitely interested so let's go out on that dance floor and get Y/N this man!" Lindsay said getting up and pulling you and Katie to the floor.

You follow your friends to the floor and start to dance. Every so often you look over at the guy to see if he sees you and you notice him look here and there but can tell he's trying to hide it from not only you but his friends.

You continue to dance with your friends and look over to catch him staring and this time he didn't look away. This time one of his friends caught him. The one Lindsay calls "tall, dark, and oh so handsome"

"Reid?" said the guy "hey what are you looking at"

"Huh? Oh nothing" said the handsome guy.

Hmmm..Reid? What the hell kind of name is that?

His friend turns around and spots you looking at them while dancing with your friends. You quickly turn away.

"Oooh okay pretty boy....I see you" he jokes.

A pretty blonde turns to them and says "Uh oh...what do you mean Morgan?"

"Pretty boy here sees a pretty pretty girl on the dance floor that he's been eyeing for the last hour" said Morgan.

"W-what?! No I haven't! Shut up Morgan. JJ don't listen to him." Said Reid.

You feel this JJ's eye dart at you.

Shit. She must be the girlfriend. Your friends notice your face and ask what's wrong.

"His friends noticed and I feel the blonde staring at me. I think it's his girlfriend" you say.

"No way!" Said Lindsay "why the fuck would he be eyeing you if she was right there? It's probably a friend"

"Yeah, we're not stopping until he comes over here or she says to lay off" said Katie.

You shrug and nod and continue to dance. After a minute you look back to see the blonde, JJ, talking to Reid. You overhear her say "Reid...she's pretty! Go talk to her"

"No know how awkward I can be with girls...she's too pretty" Reid said.

"Look kid...she's been eyeing you and you've been eyeing her. Get up and dance with her before I do." Said Morgan.

Reid didn't move or respond. Why wouldn't he just come out here? You shrugged it off and continued to dance.

After a while you and your friends went back and sat down. You were disappointed that he was too shy.

PERFECT LOVE | SPENCER REID X READERWhere stories live. Discover now